Memes R Us
Jun 2, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by bookofmorons
sounds like last Friday
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 21, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by phxbillcee
Drunk Heckler Owned For 8 Minutes - Steve Hofstetter
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 21, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Benthoven
I thought I had finally found a happy medium. Turns out, she was just drunk.
Health & Happiness
Jan 29, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Spongebob
I got drunker than I intended to ? how do I minimize the hangover effect? ?
Silly, Random & Fun
Jan 15, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by CaroleKay
There are people drunk posting again tonight. Jeeze guys, it's still early in the week.
General & Hellos
Dec 24, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by CS60
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.
1 comment
Sep 27, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by genessa
I am watching bits of testimony from blasey-ford and from kavanaugh. blasey-ford was totally credible. kavanaugh shouted at the senators, didn't answer questions and -- amazingly, shockingly and disgustingly -- fired questions back at the senators,...
1 comment
Sep 25, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by genessa
LINKKavanaugh's freshman roommate drops a bomb: 'Debbie has a right to be heard and I believe her'
1 comment
Love & Relationships
Sep 21, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by RaulPerez
Is intoxication ever an acceptable excuse for acting stupid/cheat.?
Silly, Random & Fun
Jul 17, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Duke
Ouija boards are recommended for ages 8 and up. That's what's wrong with this country. You need to be 21 to drink alcohol but only 8 to summon demons.
General & Hellos
May 18, 2018May 2018

Posted by Josephine
What are you doing to avoid the royal wedding tomorrow? I'm hoping weather permitting to have a bbq and get a lot drunk!
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 27, 2018Feb 2018

Posted by walklightly
"the fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." George Bernard Shaw
Silly, Random & Fun
Jan 22, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by Benthoven
Which is why I drink alone.
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