General & Hellos
May 7, 2018May 2018

Posted by RavenCT
POLLOkay so I've always been a neck sniffer. A potential new partner - lean in for that hug and sniff. If the sniff doesn't make something curl up or zing? No compatibility. Do others do this? Or not? I'm baffled that not everyone does this! ...
  • 19 votes
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Health & Happiness
Dec 28, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by snytiger6
Advice on diet and eating healthy. First of all, I am not a nutritionist. I just read up a lot when I had leukemia about nutrition. This is generally what I learned. I wrote this originally to answer a question someone posed, but it got so long, I...
1 comment
Site & Customer Service
Dec 19, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Admin
We released a new tag feature for all posts today and wanted to explain it a little. Tags are just 1-3 word keywords (e.g., love, ClimateChange ) that help and find categorize topics. When you submit a post, we automatically look for words and ...