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Dirty Dozen From Bypassing Dystopia: Hope-filled Challenges to Corporate Rule by Joyce Nelson

Neoliberalism has fostered an agenda that (to my way of thinking) has 12 predominant aspects. Think of them as “the dirty dozen”:
1. Deregulation
2. Open borders for Capital
3. Small government/Big State
4. Tax cuts for multinational corporations
5. Austerity budgets
6. Union-busting
7. Privatization of public assets
8. Corporate rights (or so-called free trade) deals
9. Tax havens
10. No limits to growth
11. Central bank “independence”
12. Privatization of the money-creation function
Fostered since 1973 by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and a variety of corporate think tanks, the Neoliberal economic agenda has created environmental destruction and massive wealth inequality across the planet and is finally being challenged, including by economists themselves.  

The USA and Canada and Europe for that matter are all in the clutches of Neoliberalism. If you are interested I can post more on this. I am cited in Joyce’s book where I said,
“We live in the Neoliberal Age of Austerity. I am told often not to use the term ‘neoliberalism’ because people do not understand it. But if we do not name the enemy or the problem, it cannot be solved. Nelson’s book is a wonderful map of the neoliberal terrain in Canada and internationally.”

ToolGuy 9 Mar 23
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Neoliberalism? How about Plutocracy?


Too early for this level of intensity. lol

Davekp Level 8 Mar 23, 2019

@ToolGuy On afternoons.. worked 'til midnight. 🙂

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