7 10

When horrible people shouldn’t own a cat, this is what happens. This poor kitty doesn’t even have TEETH! 😢

I’ve put in an application to adopt Honey if/when she gets well enough to transfer to a forever home for her senior years. 🤞🤞🤞

Apunzelle 7 Nov 15
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bobwjr Level 10 Nov 15, 2020

There are people who mistreat cats and other animals, and they're usually screwed up in a lot of other ways, too. I agree with Hippie Chick, the guy should be shot. I'm sure if he were, it would be a great benefit to society in general.

Spudgun Level 7 Nov 15, 2020

Poor kitty

Frctnal Level 7 Nov 15, 2020

Poor kitty.


That is so sad, but so good she is being helped now. The streets are no place for cats. It's not only dangerous for them but they can kill defenceless animals and get into garbage. I've heard there is someone in my neighborhood who has 6 cats that are all outside cats. I've found several half eaten birds, squirrels, and rabbits around my home, and I have to spray my garbage bags with ammonia to keep them from being ripped open. I can always tell when a cat in near the house because my cats, especially Leo, have tantrums when they see one out the window.

Ray13 Level 8 Nov 15, 2020

Poor baby, some people should be shot.


Please promise before and after pics! I am so glad to think you are adopting her. 😢❤️

I’ve submitted my application! I was the first one in. 🤞 It will likely be a while before she’s released for adoption, but I REALLY hope I get this sweet girl. ❤️

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