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Kei-Ko & laser.....I had to make the video off the computer with my phone as the direct connection wouldn't work, nor could I turn the phone sideways as we're supposed to do to make video.....nothing is working right, but here is a little play time anyway.

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 May 7
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The other cat is hysterically funny to see, The Indifference!

Huh? I didn't even get Purrin in this video.

@Lilac-JadeCanada The statioanary dark cat with the orange ball in front of it...bear in mind i use a 10" tablet and the entire pix is about 1" square

@AnneWimsey The only thing I can think of is the very small sticker I have covering the cameral lens on the laptop, other than that there is no other cat in this video. Purrin was nowhere around, & the stuffed cats I have on the sofa are not in range. The ornaments further up on the fireplace mantel to the left of the wall picture, are not cats, they are some whales, a blue wineglass, & a vase.


She seems to enjoy the Lazer. Cute video!!

I'm glad she seems to so far. Kiri was a laser addict, & if I didn't play with her with it, she'd go looking to get into trouble elsewhere. Purrin likes it.....sometimes.


It was fun watching them, glad you decided to post it👍 I like to make the laser light go around them so they run in a circle and get dizzy. Am I bad!🤣🤣🤣 It is very good exercise for indoor cats.

Ray13 Level 8 May 7, 2023

Yes, you are. Hahaha.

I have one of those little Flipshare video cams, but apparently it's outdated which could explain why Windows 11 is a problem. I wanted to use that as holding the phone to video with one had while holding the laser with the other just isn't easily done, so the Flipshare was an ideal size. Just no go at all, so I'll hve to re-think since it appears Flipshare is out of business.

Yes, she is some overweight, so I'm cutting her food back, & getting her playing more.

@Lilac-JadeCanada : Still you did a pretty good job with the equipment you have. Keep us posted on her activities😁

@Ray13 Thanks.

Starting to have a good time now that her personality is beginning to come out.

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