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All beaches are technically naturist beaches....

snytiger6 9 Aug 10
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These comments are why so many people live with low self-esteem and worthlessness raping their body image every waking day. We all judge each other, it's a part of human nature and a survival instinct, but It's those people who publicly voice their negative ideas and cognitive distortions that are causing all the pain. When the fact is these hurtful works all stem from thousands of years of religious rhetoric designed to control the morality of a civilization. I find it Ironic to see such narrow minded bullshit streaming in this forum

If you don't want to see my junk put a bag over your head or better yet put on a burqa and go hide in a mosque


Eeew! I sure don't want to look at strange men's dangling organs or women's crotches.

Perhaps if they were in shape, young, and seen at distance so I don't have to see details.

birdingnut Level 8 Aug 10, 2018

& isn't that the beauty about our eyes? unlike with our ears, visually we do have a choice in what we perceive & what not. ... as happens occasionally when another morbidly obese aussie, fully dressed, is rolling into my field of view: i turn my head.

@walklightly I do that a lot on the Ao Nung beach near Krabi when I see all those obese, gross, flabby women tourists stuffed into teeny bikinis. I would pay them to cover up.

Then don't look. Look at the sand, the waves, the horizon, the seagulls, or anything else that doesn't gross you out.

I really don't get this "You shouldn't do it, because I don't want to look at it" logic.

@NicoleCadmium Then you shouldn't object to people riding public transport, attending church, going to the bank, etc. totally nude. Why should people make others nauseated by their lack of dress and expose them to that? I avoid tourist beaches because of the gross beach scenery.

On wash days, Haitians go totally naked while their only set of clothes are drying. I don't mind seeing them since they are are fit, lean, and totally blase about it.
I don't mind nudity as much as the reason they are doing it, and the shape they are in, and ESPECIALLY if those people are coming into public spaces and exposing me to seeing them. I block anyone on this forum who posts photos of nudity, genitals, etc. Be gross on your own time, but don't expose ME to it.

@birdingnut Personally, I wouldn't object to any of these things. Well as long as they sat on towels on communal seating. But yes, proximity is an issue for many people.

The point is that, on a beach, you have lots of things to look at. Keep your distance from the nudies and you won't have to stare at them. It's a choice to be offended by someone who's 50 yards away from you and minding their own business. Not so much when you're forced into very close proximity.

It seems you're already big enough on body shaming to avoid tourist beaches and the unpalatable 'beach scenery' that goes with them. So how are you any worse off if those people who gross you out in swimsuits gross you out by being naked?

It's a sad state of affairs when people feel nauseated by the human body, in all of its glorious shapes and sizes. But that's what supposedly civilised society and numerous commercial interests have brainwashed us to do.

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