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Webchat theme is not appearing properly

Hi All,

We are developing a Webchat interface for a SAP CAI Chatbot which we are going to host in Wordpress Website.

But while deploying the changes in a Quality environment, we are facing some theme issue for the FAQ bot.

If you see the attached image, the lines are not appearing with the Index numbers. We have investigated and found that "::marker" is missing inside the html tag - "<li>". Please check the below reference:

We are thinking to have the below solutions:

  1. Finding out the wordpress theme css and change it

  2. Replicating the standard webchat with some updates

What would be the possible and easy solution for our issue?

BarbraIss 3 July 3
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I noticed that this thread is a couple of years old, but I'll still try to help you out with your webchat theme issue. It's never too late to find a solution!
From the information you provided, it seems that the problem lies with the missing "::marker" inside the "<li>" tags. One possible solution is to check if the WordPress theme you were using at that time has been updated. Theme updates often include bug fixes and improvements that might have resolved the issue you were facing. You can visit Freetheme to explore their collection of themes and see if any updates or alternatives are available.
If you're still experiencing the same issue, you can consider reaching out to the theme developer or the WordPress community for assistance. They may have encountered similar problems in the past and can provide valuable guidance.


Thank you for the quick response. We will test that and let you know how it goes.

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