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Hi, just joined. I actually like being social here and there, one on one, or with small groups of people with a similar mindset, but it's hard to find that sometimes, and social anxiety and awkwardness is a huge barrier. You tell an extrovert that you're an introvert and they tend to instantly assume you're an antisocial shut in that doesn't ever want to be around people. That in itself makes things uncomfortable, and its like "no dude, I just need time to myself, hate too much attention, and constantly having to explain myself, focus on too many people, or feel pressured to be engaging or entertaining, is friggin draining." small doses are fine, but past a couple hours at a gathering, it starts to feel like work unless there's way too much alcohol in my system. Now, however, I'm at a point where I don't have any friend circle, partly because I'm in a relatively new state, and it seems difficult to make new friends because I can't relate to most people and I have those awkward anxiety barriers. Wondering if any of you guys can relate and how you cope or adapt.

noeffinway 4 June 19
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I always tell my small circle of friends that people are like advil, I can only take them in small doses.
What is also irritating is when you get an extrovert around you and they somehow think you won't mind them chatting your ear off. Like no, you're all draining. Your gift of gab doesn't make you special, only that much more annoying.
I loathe small talk. It's mind numbing.
The way I cope is my cell phone or a book. If I must, I will text my dad and tell him to call me. "Oh sorry, I have to take this. Looks like I might have to leave."

P.S. I like your name


90% of the time I am happy being a solitary hermit, but the other 10% I can get lonely, partly because I haven’t bothered maintaining “friendships”. Best for me is keeping busy, function based socialization like volunteering, work, babysitting. Everyone seems to enjoy my company when I am there, but no one seeks my company later. I enjoy having a dog.

NJSnarky Level 6 June 21, 2018

I simply tell people I need a lot of personal space to become socially acceptable because the term introversion has a lot of false stigmas related to it and people "think they know" what it means.


Yep... I totally get that. Honestly, I would say that maturity and wisdom have helped me cope.

Also being a teacher, I have a bunch of enthusiastic teenagers who (falsely) think I'm greatest thing since the Rolling Stones because I get physics and can help them get it too. Being a perceived "rock star" physics teacher helps just a touch. 😉

marmot84 Level 7 June 19, 2018

Perception is reality! Nothing more powerful than a "rockstar" teacher to learn from!


I'm pretty sure we all totally relate to what you said. I could have said it myself verbatim. Welcome. You're among friends here


Oh yes, I can relate. I will retire in a year or two and have thought about moving out west, someplace like AZ or NM or Nev. But then I think about moving somewhere, where I know NO ONE, and start to feel overwhelmed by the very notion.

I think I was damaged, in one sense, by having a good college experience, and a first "real job" experience. Both were situations where there were a lot of people around my age, and a lot of social activities that got put together, like going to the bar after work. But then you go out into the real world and it becomes more and more difficult to find people you are compatible with, who share your interests, etc. College and my first work experiences led me to think it would be easy to meet new people, and it isn't.

I think as introverts we need to find ways to meet new people where the focus is not necessarily on MEETING NEW PEOPLE. I have thought about getting involved in some type of animal rescue organization, or volunteering at a human services agency. Either of these would bring me into contact with new people, without having to have a first encounter that is fraught with stress and anxiety. If that leads to a friendship, great. But at least I would not just be hiding out at home.

citronella Level 7 June 19, 2018

Same with the college experience. College you almost didn't have a choice but to make friends and be social. Surrounded by people with similar interests and goals, all around the same age, crammed into a relatively small area. People just expected you to walk up and start a conversation about anything, and if the conversation went south for some reason, it didn't really matter cause more than likely it'd be forgotten, and you had a thousand other people you could go talk to. Outside of that context I feel like I'm obligated to have a really good reason or objective to approach anyone and start a convo, otherwise people seem suspicious and get that "why the hell is this weirdo talking to me" look on their face. Even if I do manage to pull off a decent conversation with someone, transitioning to the suggestion of hanging out some other time and exchanging contact info is so weird to me its basically impossible. College it was like "Hey, you wanna hang out and get stoned/get drunk/play video games/study/help with a project etc?" You ask those things now people think you got problems. Maybe a lot of this is in my head though? I tend to over analyse things.

Joining an organisation has worked for me, but you need to be careful not to take on too much.

@CeliaVL Good point. Group involvement can go from occasional to overwhelming if you aren't careful.

@citronella I had a peculiar upbringing that has left me over-eager to please so I have to be careful about volunteering for more than I can cope with!

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyI miss that part too!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyI miss that part too!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyI miss that part too!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyMoney saving and my favorite pastime! Win win.

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyMy motto for living.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, I don’t.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s almost summer!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s almost summer!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s almost summer!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyFeeling very introverted 😎

Posted by KilltheskyfairyFeeling very introverted 😎

Posted by KilltheskyfairyFeeling very introverted 😎

Posted by KilltheskyfairyI can say the same…

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