9 3

What are some causes of introvertism? In my case I am pretty sure it was my poor health as a youngster. I was anemic and very weak, also tired quickly. Whenever teachers had us go out to gym class I was the one no one wanted on their team. I'm almost 65 and it still bothers me when I remember those days.

I have improved a lot since, though. I served in the US Army, which helped a lot, and did martial arts for several years in my 40s. But an introvert I am still.

Ray13 8 July 9
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Only means you haven't met others interesting enough to share thoughts with .

Cast1es Level 9 July 10, 2018

I think it's simply an individual difference, like some people are good at math, others at dancing, etc. I don't think being an introvert is a bad thing at all. If you regret the social opportunities you missed out on as a child, try to find substitutes now. Go to a senior citizen center in your area, if there is one. Take non-credit adult education classes like learning to cook Greek food or travel or whatever. But don't think you are flawed or damaged because you are an introvert.

citronella Level 7 July 10, 2018

I think being an introvert has it's benefits. I've made some good friends over the years because I was an introvert. And as far as being a sickly child I think that helped me to be much more health conscience as an adult. My doctor tells me I'm in better condition than a lot of his patients half my age. Good things can come from bad.


I don't know that there's any particular cause. It's just the way you're wired. My brother wouldn't miss a party if his life depended on it, but I agonize every time I'm invited to one.


I was born this way. Can't speak for anyone else.

wdwyer Level 5 July 10, 2018

Being an introvert isn't something that is forced upon you. Being picked last at games (me too) didn't cause it, although it didn't help either. You weren't the outgoing member of the "in" group or the kid that not everybody knew everything about so you were left on the outside looking in. You were you and not like them and they couldn't understand that. The army (thanks for your service) helped because of the structure-everybody's in the same boat. But for the most part it's just the way your wired, and if the rest of the world doesn't like it-screw 'em.

EricJones Level 8 July 10, 2018

I don't think anything makes you an introvert. I would go along with those who think you are born that way. I was an introvert from when my earliest memories were formed.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 9, 2018

You make it sound like introversion is some sort of a disease or character defect. It is just personality, one part on a continuum.


For me, was the death of my mother when I was 7, being left in the care of my aunt and uncle, with a father and 3 siblings (at the time adults) still living. Started me down the oath of lack of self worth that turned into, among other things, and introvert. I've taken many strides to over come that as an adult, but I still revert to introvert behaviors.

Rignor Level 7 July 9, 2018

I am sorry for your trauma. I am happy tho that you have healed the wounds. When I came to accept that society was mostly dominated by hypocrites & miscreants, I bailed. My animals never did the things to me that humans did to them as rescues. I can not abide most people. Such is why I am an atheist introvert rabid environmentalist.

Mooolah Level 8 July 9, 2018
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