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Just want to say how much I enjoy this group. It's been a real eye opener to see how many other people feel like I do in social situations. I like reading the posts and comments because I can relate to many of them. Now here's a question, Did you feel shunned by most of the kids when you were in grade school?

myownmind 7 July 9
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Kind of a chicken/egg situation. I have asked myself "do I not fit in because I am an introvert or am I an introvert because I never fit it?" 55 and still not really sure. I do enjoy my own company so??? Oh, well. Long as I'm happy I guess it doesn't really matter for me but I worry about others who feel unwelcome and set themselves aside.


I was bullied in 6th grade by a bunch of mean girls to the point of not wanting to go to school. But that eventually passed, and I moved on. I went to a high school where social clubs were rampant, so I always felt left out til my senior year when I finally made it into one of them. That didn't help much because I have always felt like an outsider wherever I was, even in my own family. I think it's part of being an introvert that "group stuff" just doesn't agree with us. I can connect with people one on one, but in groups... it just doesn't work for me. I think extroverts feel more empowered in a group. I get my mine from within. What do you think?

@myownmind I completely agree. I can be having a great conversation with someone and then another person will join us, and I suddenly get pushed out because I don't like to compete for talk time and lots of people are just overpowering.


Yes. Like others, I was always the outsider. I didn't have friends, wasn't included in games, didn't understand the jokes. My weird upbringing didn't help. Teachers loved me, though, because I was bright and made things easy for them.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 10, 2018

Yes, especially after the girl in third grade dared me to kiss her, and I did and she told the teacher who made me stand in the hall!

wdwyer Level 5 July 10, 2018

yep, always the outsider, didn't fit in anywhere. That's why I've never been to a class reunion-you didn't want to bother with me all through school, so I'm not going to bother with you now.

EricJones Level 8 July 10, 2018

I don't remember feeling shunned really... unless they were picking team members to play a ballgame or something. I don't think I was very good. I was always one of the last picked for a team

HeraTera Level 7 July 9, 2018

I have the innate ability to not care if people shun me.

jab60 Level 6 July 9, 2018
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