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Being alone and feeling alone to me are different. How do you combat the feeling of being alone even when you are with someone? Are we hardwired or programed to feel alone?

KateZilla 7 Aug 11
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I never feel alone when I am by myself!. In a crowd I absolutely do feel alone!

bubaj50 Level 7 Aug 12, 2018

If you are with a person you have little in common with, you will feel alone. The worst kind of loneliness is to be with someone but still feel alone. Less painful to be by yourself and feel alone than to be with the wrong person.

SKH78 Level 8 Aug 11, 2018

Being alone, when it's by your choice, can be quite enjoyable. Feeling alone is an emotional thing. When you're with someone but you don't have that emotional connection, you can still feel alone. Are we harfwired? Maybe? I definitely think some people have a harder time finding that connection with others.

mikecagain Level 7 Aug 11, 2018

Some people are wired to make others feel lonely. Being alone is a physical act; loneliness is an emotional feeling of being alone. I have a very active mind and it can keep me busy and entertained even when I am with vacuous people that are wired to make others feel lonely- and I avoid them like a plague. I have spent much of my life alone in jobs, home, life. It is how a person looks at their situation, if you are alone find things to do to keep your mind and body active. If you are with vacuum people that make you feel emotionally alone step it up and throw them off balance with questions, actions, and find a way to get the fuck away from them.

zorialoki Level 8 Aug 11, 2018

I do wish I felt less alone with others. It does depend on the company though and it has taken me a very long time to appreciate that.

And I really wish there were more people that I connect with more easily. The ones with whom I connect with are few and far between.

Forgot to answer the question. In my case, I need to force myself to be around more people so there are more opportunities to find those to connect with. Unfortunately they probably have to get out more too. 🙂


be cautious of who you hook up with. if you're with that right person you shouldn't feel alone. if you do, mebbe it's time to look around

TheDoubter Level 9 Aug 11, 2018

For me, feeling alone when with someone usually is combined with feeling like I'm their company, but they aren't being mine. It feels like a one way street where they don't put time and attention into to me, as I do them.

Jess2zz Level 5 Aug 11, 2018
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