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One of my neighbors in my apartment building is a couple with a three year old daughter. She says hi to everyone. I just ignore her and walk past. sometimes, when I see them, I will turn around and go out the other way. They were outside yesterday when I went out. I just walked by as usual. The wife said, " we don't talk to her she is rude. she is the mean one" The husband called me a f*cking prick. I just want to be able to get in and out of my apartment without being harassed. There are also other people who sometimes sit outside. I usually go around so I don't have to talk to them. I'm pretty sure if I ask them to leave me alone, it will turn into a screaming match. I could contact the condo association, but they are terrible. I have been crying since yesterday. Help?

Purplegirl1974 5 Sep 5
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You can wave as you go by.

Pamscwf1 Level 7 Sep 23, 2018

Now that you know they're toxic people, you should feel justified avoiding interaction with them.


What news?
If no progress, if there is anyone who can help you, ask them to help!
Maybe write the neighbours a letter explaining the situation – and include an apology for your apparent disrespect towards them and their child. They've certainly taken your behaviour as an insult.
People take slights to heart, even unintended ones.
If you want one of us to write the letter – if you decide to send one – maybe that would work.
Best of luck.


I understand where you're coming from, and when I come and go, I hate having to stop and chat with neighbors, but it doesn't hurt to smile and say hi and then excuse yourself. I wish we could all be as friendly as that little girl but it's not in our genes. I just try to fake it briefly and then make my escape.


Try to tell them that you suffer from extreme social anxiety, and that you didn't mean to hurt their child, or them. Maybe give them a bunch of flowers. It sounds awful for you.


I get where you're coming from, I have a difficult time in situations like that. I've learned to just smile and nod and say a quiet "hi" back in passing and that seems to be enough. I find it amazing though that they would call you rude, most people just brush it off. That they're so offended says more about them than it does about you.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

maybe you are damaged from when you were 3 and that grumpy broad neighbor made you feel an internalized kinda hurt. It's not the same thing to snub adults as it is babies newly entering our society.


Why not say hi? It doesn't commit you to anything. I get irritated with people that ignore me when I say hi and they sneer or walk by like I am something below them

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

It's easy enough just to say 'Hi' to the child. A small irritation to avoid a bigger one with the parents.

CeliaVL Level 7 Sep 5, 2018

I know exactly how you feel, I've ignored people walking by too.


Don’t ignore children! That is rude on your part. The parents reactions are also not acceptable !

bubaj50 Level 7 Sep 5, 2018

why don' you say hi to the tot? it could break the ice


Well they seem charming. Poor kid. Growing up with those examples.

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