3 3

Interesting article: Acting like an extravert has benefits, but not for introverts
I believe this. While it helps to challenge myself to be more social, I have to do so in a way that works for me and my temperament.

bleurowz 8 Nov 3
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I, for one, had to be extroverted when I worked. I had to interact with people a lot. And I managed it. And, that was all I managed. It drained me so much that nothing else was possible. So if I were to pretend to be extroverted I would have to pay for it in energy. So, I can't really see how that would make me happier.

Booklover Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

After reading the article I have more questions to ask myself.Is an introvert another word for self conscious or shyness.Introvertness if there is such a word must be a mental condition that can and should be able to be treated or are we happy with this condition?Now after writing this has made me think male, female there are lots of Inbetweeners so must be the same for in and extroverts.We need a test like an IQ test.We are who we are and it just needs effort to overcome our problems ,if it was just that easy .Modern day tech helps including this site but we still need to make the first step by ourselves.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 3, 2018

I believe introversion runs along a spectrum. I don't think it's a mental condition, just a matter of disposition or temperament. I'd thought a bit before sharing the article, but only did so because it did mention that trying to be extroverted can backfire for some introverts. I'm definitely a believer in doing what you can do to take care of yourself. I used to look at introversion as a reason to withdraw and avoid most things; now I look at it as something to manage. I need my alone time, but it's still too easy for me to isolate.


I gave up long ago. This is who (or what) I am-deal with it. I accept it, so you better too, if not tough.

EricJones Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

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