7 10

Looking forward to the second day of January.

Shelton 8 Nov 21
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I don't like the commotion of holidays. It lasts from hallowe'en til February. Can't find a parking space at the store, weather sucks, and freakin' people hohoho-ing everywhere. Then you have the people who get righteously indignant if you say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". I guess the whole world is christian in December. Bah humbug.

@MoonTiger Totally agree.... people tend to jump on any bandwagon that passes by. I prefer the road less traveled.


I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I take every day as it comes. Planning too far ahead makes me uncomfortable. If something happens to me, I might miss a lot of those things that I hoped.
Tomorrow's Saturday. Nice!

Gert Level 7 Nov 23, 2018

that won't help around here. Damn christmas decorations are never taken down on the house across the street and I have a catholic neighbor who started putting up the stuff today and will not take it down until she stops crying about how it reminds her of her mother.

Plant1010J Level 6 Nov 22, 2018

We don't have our fire dept Christmas party till 2nd Saturday in January .

Besalbub Level 8 Nov 22, 2018

I am looking forward to March when the weather is warmer, the holidaze are behind us, including valentine day. The onlly other day is easter, and that isn't much of a day anyway. It is the middle of lent, so I can go to the steakhouse and not be surrounded by a bunch of cathaholics, I just need to remember not to try and get fish on Rridays. I am good with that

zorialoki Level 8 Nov 21, 2018

It'll be fast... Take a lot of naps..


Why is that?
What am I missing?

Haemish1 Level 8 Nov 21, 2018

End of holidays.


Hmm - I’ll be working pretty much all of that time - hadn’t even considered that?

My daughter will be home from school during that time so I’ll get to see her for the first time in four months - so I’ll look forward to that.

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