19 24

As an introvert and loner, this is my love ideal. 😄

Apunzelle 7 Nov 18
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I used to think that pairing up with a long-haul trucker would be ideal. Occasional passionate reunions, punctuated by long periods where I would be alone and could get work/crafts/etc. done.

citronella Level 7 Dec 10, 2019

I like women too much to want that much separation. The real screw up in my life was breaking up with a woman who liked here space and much I did. Breaking up was providential. Getting hooked up with me would have eventually screwed her in the away part. It's too late in life for another chance. Jeremiah Johnson is now my ideal.


Exciting "dates", then me in jammies watching PBS....Yes!


This describes me to a tee. I treasure my alone time. I just don’t know if at this point in my life I could adapt to having someone around all the time. It would be nice to find someone who values and respects my need for solitude as much as I respect theirs.




This is tough. Promise, in the day introvert had become a slam. Therefore"inner directed" was used in some literature. Jung kinda saw extroversion this way. I really do not see introversion as being asocial. Solitude is elective. An introvert is not necessarily a loner 100% of the time. In my worse moment I see extroverts as airheads. I don't think either one of us would like being sequestered with one of those folks, bless their hearts. After one divorce and one suicide, likewise. have firm notions on relational issues.Thanks for you comment.


Same. Very much same lol

Jimpietz28 Level 4 Nov 24, 2019


Toddzilla Level 5 Nov 23, 2019

My housemate/caretaker knows how to give me the space I need. She is the only person who can tolerate me. Aquarius.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 21, 2019

Perfect plan. I've a friend who lives about eight hours away who comes to visit about twice a year for a week. I think I would like it to be maybe four times a year.

SAMae Level 5 Nov 21, 2019

you're a kindred soul, Apunzelle

TheDoubter Level 9 Nov 19, 2019

Once a week is enough for me.


I kinda have that, though it's closer to once a week. He lives about 2 hours away and has 2 cats he won't leave for over one night. Rotten weather will keep him home too, Wyoming to Colorado involves a pass. Lol. At least in our case.

Booklover Level 7 Nov 19, 2019

That would work for me too!

Wildflower Level 8 Nov 19, 2019

That sounds like a decent arrangement.

Unity Level 7 Nov 19, 2019

I know someone who did that! They had their own homes and cohabitated on weekends and for social occassions. It fit them both perfectly.

RavenCT Level 9 Nov 18, 2019

I think you've known some pretty weird people. lol

@bingst And that's a fact! But they both had bad first marriages but liked companionship - I think they were ahead of the crowd. (Kids were adults btw).

@bingst "weird"??? To enjoy control of the remote, spending my money on Me, eating/sleeping/getting dressed when & if I feel like it? Fridge stocked with my favorites? Etc etc etc......ain't Nobody cute enough to make me give it all up

@AnneWimsey and cute only gets you so far in my world.

@bingst Actually, I have read that there are more couples adopting this type of practice. Seniors who both own their own homes and don't want to give them up, who may spend some nights/weekends together and others apart.



@citronella That's fascinating. It means other people see the value in this type of relationship. And it wasn't a matter of holding each other at arms length either. When one was ill the other was there.
They did big vacations together as well. They just didn't want to live together 24/7. I can completely understand that.


Terrible! lol

bingst Level 8 Nov 18, 2019

Cool 😎

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 18, 2019

That sounds about right🙂

Haemish1 Level 8 Nov 18, 2019
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