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Thumper Logic

OldMetalHead 9 May 4
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Aren't the current reasons for inequities primarily from the disparity of wealth and class. Wasn't racism in the legal terms, curbstomped by law in the last century.

Is this right?
From the article:
"In 2016, black Americans comprised 27% of all individuals arrested in the United States..."

"Given that nearly two-thirds (65%) of people in jail in 2016 were being detained prior to trial, policies and decisions influencing pretrial detention play a key role in driving the disparity in the jail population and beyond."

If 65% is being detained prior to trial, yet with in the same year, 27% of all people detained where black, wouldn't that be a 38% non-black detainment at most?

"The United States in effect operates two distinct criminal justice systems: one for wealthy people and another for poor people and people of color."

There are wealthy people of color.....
Why does the article state otherwise? " 'for wealthy people' and another for.... .....'and' people of color." Is that racist for the article to write that?.....

Now, at one point, Racism was a major issue in this country, that was represented by about everyone, in every class and place of work. Which are and were horrible acts that had centuries worth of negative consequences. That are still seen today. However, I think the persistent of those consequences is more due to class, wealth and economics than racism. The article even mentions this.

"What might appear at first to be a linkage between race and crime is in large part a function of concentrated urban poverty, which is far more common for African Americans than for other racial groups. This accounts for a substantial portion of African Americans’ increased likelihood of committing certain violent and property crimes."

I know racists are abhorred in my area, that they aren't many, there is what 3 known people to be openly racists in this area. About every where online, there are enforced rules in major groups that agreed upon by the majority of members that racism is not to be ever used.
I think the article states of some of the Racism that still happens in today's Judicial System, which I think still happens. Less and less though as time goes on, that I think what would exceed racism in the near future is class disparity.
(And yes, past, major racism does have a major role in the creation of today's class disparity placements.)

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