7 13

Hey Jesus, why so salty? It's because these mf'ers still think I looked like Cesare Borgia!

OldMetalHead 9 Feb 24
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The "salt image" BS aside, I know of no atheists, Liberal or otherwise, that would mock a stranger saying Grace before his meal. Tho I do like the extra BS of automatically equating atheist with Liberal. As we know, from some of the Groups (& Members) on this Site, those two things do not always conflate...

(Also, notice the amount of salt missing from the shaker & tell me that would have been enough to create that image - - - Oh, wait, I know! Miracle!!! Like the loaves & fishes...)

(Final comment: If that actually did happen, I think I would have reacted by saying, "Amazing trick! You need to get booked on "Fool Us"! I need a bit more than a seasoning portrait to convince me of a god...)

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 26, 2023

I was doing handy work for some relatives and when they served lunch they always had this ritual of saying their special words before eating... knowing It made me uncomfortable. One time I had them over for dinner at my house. They asked if I minded that they say grace. I said "yes I do mind but go ahead if you want" Usually I don't say much or push back, and don't think all that quick when confronted, but boy did that come out fast and easy for me. The comfort of your home.


just then a waitress appeared and kicked his ass for fucking up the table and being a shitty tipper

joeandbarb Level 7 Feb 25, 2023

My salt shaker fell and the image of a giant chicken appeared. Tell me what THAT means, Christians.

Kynlei Level 8 Feb 24, 2023

Chick-Fil-A stock prices are going up???

@phxbillcee Eggs too!


I've never understood why people believe they know what the face of anyone who never had a portrait done in their lifetime done or one done in the next 3 generations?

glennlab Level 10 Feb 24, 2023

There are no contemporary paintings of Shakespeare, and "literature scholars" don't argue much on what he may or may not have looked like. Meanwhile, "religious scholars" certainly have their opinions on what Jesus, an unproven commodity, looked like. Personally, I think the Jehovah's Witnesses nailed it with a short haired, well groomed, white man.


So many proofs to choose from.


Yea...and the tattoo on his arm was just randomly designed by some blind guy...

Robecology Level 9 Feb 24, 2023

and I'll bet some suckers bought it

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