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Unfortunately this is more truth than comedy

glennlab 10 Mar 24
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Don't know this for sure, but I've read it takes more training
to be a hairdresser than to be a police officer



bobwjr Level 10 Mar 24, 2022

Trigger warning! It’s why they had to pass laws for mandatory arrests because cops routinely did nothing when women called them.

I can’t tell you how many times I called when I was first married. They just let him go.

"Me: bleeding, glasses broken. Furniture: askew & broken. Baby screaming. Him using the counter to remain upright, too drunk to actually stand. Cops: "You really need to try harder, honey" & they left.

@AnneWimsey basically the same answer to same scenario that I got. And not just from police, no neighbors called the police or asked if I needed help. Relatives said it takes two to tango. My ex walked around with 8 long scratches on his face from me raking my nails down his face when he tried to choke me to death. No one said a thing except his father who thought it was from something else than just said cut it out when told how his son got it.

Neighbor kid said to my kids, we can hear your daddy yelling in our house and he lived three houses over. No one else said anything.

@Killtheskyfairy I learned to keep quiet "during", as after the cops left (from neighbors or me (once!) calling them) it got So much worse And another 2 or 3 beatings after that just because they came.....
What shaped my worldview, forever, at 19, was being knocked down, dragged by the hair & kicked across a dance floor in front of150+/- people and Not One Person tried to even stop him.....only crawling into the Ladies Room.......
73, going on 74 soon & fuck all y-all!

@AnneWimsey seriously, wtf? Mine got mad at me at party at friend’s parents house so called me all sorts of horrible names and twisted my arm. He forced me in car and drove dangerously while he twisted the rear view mirror off and was beating me with it. I was hanging out the window screaming my lungs out. Cop who stopped him, said stop hitting her and drive her home. I said I don’t want to be in this car with him, can you drive me to phone so I can call a cab. Cop said no. I have all your info, so if you turn up missing, I’ll know who to chase.

@Killtheskyfairy sounds Exactly like what I came to expect......
Tracy Thurman, I thank you & your lawyer every day!!!!


And if they do it to their wives, you can be sure they're doing it to us too. Again, those in safety sensitive jobs must be screened for personality defects. Those with any history of abuse are unfit for service.

racocn8 Level 9 Mar 24, 2022
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