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Weird Black Hole-Orbiting Star Proves Einstein Right (Again)[]

Philip21 8 Apr 17
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Einstein was a theorist - he didn't understand the truth about time. space , or gravity. Space/time is a flawed and
false, so is Relativity - the guy could spin a good science fiction theory - but he was no genius. He failed to prove E=mc2, 7 times.
If there was a "Big Bang" it was only an exploding star or galaxy but it had no affect on space or time.
The Universe has always been here, space does not expand, matter moves through space. Gravity has no affect on time or space either.

gater Level 7 Apr 19, 2020

Philip, please ignore the H T T P S lines below. The software here sometimes does strange stuff.

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 17, 2020

It's difficult to find clarity in a world of speculation, but it's sometimes fun. After death i hope to learn all the secrets of what we call the universe, but I won't be able to share, unfortunately.


A woman member of the first Mensa group I joined said its male members knew very clever ways to be cruel. I told its president, who was a state legislator, to stop talking down to me. I left.
The second, in another city, was more fun, but other stuff interfered.

If you are Mensa material, why have you not yet questioned the Big Bang fraud?
To start, go to and download the free PDF document.
(I will add more in a few moments.)

Tho opening paragraph in Neil Tyson’s Cosmology for People in a Hurry:

“In the beginning, nearly fourteen billion years ago, all the space and all the matter and all the energy of the known universe was contained in a volume less than one-trillionth the size of the period that ends this sentence.”

Do you believe it?


Consider Hubble’s words:

Edwin Hubble hypothesized two universes, the first of them expanding. He summarized his hypotheses in the 1937 Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices:
“If the red shifts are a Doppler shift . . . the observations as they stand lead to the anomaly of a closed universe, curiously small and dense, and, it may be added, suspiciously young.
“On the other hand, if red shifts are not Doppler effects, these anomalies disappear and the region observed appears as a small, homogeneous, but insignificant portion of a universe extended indefinitely in both space and time.“

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 17, 2020