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A topic for discussion ...

The World Health Organisation has said "Prisons are bad for mental health": [] . Given that mental ill health is one of the causes for people being sent to jail, it makes me wonder why legislatures seemingly around the world appear to support the worsening of that mental ill health.

Over to you ...

anglophone 9 Apr 27
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Are you saying we should abolish prisons?

Alienbeing Level 8 Apr 14, 2022

Religion is bad for mental health; what are we doing about that?

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 22, 2021

We just keep combating religion.

Recent Visitors 9


Posted by AnnaledaI see there is not a lot of activity in this group.

Posted by of-the-mountainWhy has Zoology become so zoological??? Seems some want to revert too, what others might want too? I hope this is not condescending in any way!!! Just a condition maybe some can question???

Posted by AiveryThis sucks

Posted by pamb68Hang in there

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