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Japanese turntablist Hideaki Ishi and American Hip Hop artist Yasin Bay. Stage names, DJ Krush and Mos Def. I discovered DJK watching a dcoumentary about DJ/turtablists and their role in music culture.

Mitch07102 8 Oct 23
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I think I might go so far as to say that I hate this "music". I like music to have tunes. If I want to listen to something like a blender or a lawn mower then I'd rather put up with them. This is just proof the music is gradually descending into tribal war dances.

That's one interpretation. I remember the pushback against rap/hip-hop. Now it is mainstream. Culture evolves, as does the music that comes from it.

@Mitch07102 That depends. The CBC used to have music for sale under their SM series which stood for serious music. The problem with pop music is that it very rarely lasts. I do wonder when all of us baby boomers are gone as to how much of our 60's and 70's music will survive. Will people listen to the Beatles music in 50 years' time. Rap and Hi-hop are highly unlikely in my opinion. It is tunes that survive best. A couple of Christmas carols from 600 years ago. Greensleeves fron 500 years ago. Culture amongst the musically poorly educated has done incredibly well with the advent of enormous amplification as well as broadcasting and means of retaining recordings but I'm sure like the 100's of 45 singles bought by us this music will not last for long. They will still be playing Bach and Beethoven when 99.9% of today's music will be dust.

@rogerbenham Fair points, however, very little actually lasts very long. Famous people, music, whatever, it is all transitory at some point.

@Mitch07102 Maybe. I am fairly obsessed with music from 1500-1700 so I keep that alive. global warming will kill us all anyway. Good thing. A top species tared with greed is not good.


I know this type of music has a big following....but maybe it’s an age thing and I’m not on the same wavelength. The constant repetition makes me want to reach for the off button...sorry!

Maybe you'll like this a little better. Maybe not.

@Mitch07102 yes...this is in my toleration level.

@Marionville Not mine.

@rogerbenham I’d have taken bets on that Roger!

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