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I know I’ve posted this before...but I was listening to it again last night and thought I’d repost it. Sergei Rachmaninov’s “Vocalise” sung by Russian Tatar operatic soprano Aida Garifullina.

I have no information on the accompanying artwork....although some are clearly recognisable paintings by well known artists, but others less so.
Marionville 10 Feb 22
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That's a remarkably firm and secure voice in both tone and the trills. Technically I find close to on a par with Moffo's version which I would give the edge to emotionally. The troubling thing is that I was going to comment that it is superior to the version I've seen you post on several occasions in the past, until realizing it's the same artist. Is it a different performance?

Rossy92 Level 8 Feb 22, 2021

As far as I know it’s the same recording with a different video.

@Marionville Though I don't think I exactly panned the performance on previous hearings, I'll take this as an valuable reminder that even at this relatively advanced stage of my experience listening to music, I can still be susceptible blindspots in failure to appreciate something the first few times around, and to cut others more slack on the same.

@Rossy92 I think it should take more that one listening to a performance by any artist to really formulate an opinion on its merits. We hear it differently every time and that is because our own perceptions are different each time. I don’t remember how you assessed this particular piece by Miss Garifullina first time around, but as a soprano myself I appreciate how difficult this piece is to sing and believe her rendition to be as fine as any, and better than most. Thank you for your critique...I don’t expect when it comes to voices that we will ever all agree, there is to a large degree a personal preference to certain voices which is entirely subjective and understandable because we are all attracted to different ones, regardless of whether the performance is technically perfect or not.

@Marionville I don't doubt the piece's difficulty. As a non-singing baritone myself, I feel I can still get some idea of the difficulty by virtue of having listened to many different performances of the piece. Very few other performers are at the same level in piece as Garifullina of Moffo in tone quality, dynamic range, or facility with the trills. Very few can match them in any one of those categories, let alone all three. When I have more time I may go back to see whether I reacted or commented on one of the past posts, as I wouldn't want to hazard a guess. I've also learned that my remembrance of the past can sometimes be despairingly off on certain details, lol.


I find it a little overwhelming!

In a good way or a bad way? And due to a long-standing or a recent state of mind?

@Rossy92 Good question! maybe the answer is that I had my volume turned up too high. Maybe because I found her a bit operatic. Maybe because I think of it as a very gentle piece and she kinda belted it out.



Wonderful voice...very difficult piece to sing.

@Marionville Yes, & she is great at it.


What a beautiful piece of singing! Video's art lovely also. I have gotten a bit behind in my replies, have been having some internet service problems in my area...I think they are fixed now.

Ray13 Level 8 Feb 22, 2021

Glad to hear that they’re’s such a nuisance when the internet is down!

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