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Yesterday’s post by @Reignmond of Icelandic Folk Music telling the tale of slave raids by Turkic Arabic raiders on Iceland in the 17th century got me thinking of one of the main slave centres of the African coast - Zanzibar. This Taarab music I’m posting originates from there and is performed by The Culture Musical Club of Zanzibar, an orchestra founded after Zanzibar gained its independence from the U.K. in1963.

Marionville 10 Mar 23
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I find that often when I listen to a really good instrumental piece, adding a singer only ruins it. It is like that with Laura's Theme or as it is better known the theme from Dr. Zhivago (a tune that is near and dear to my heart, I have watched the movie more than 30 times), God Save The Queen, and Amazing Grace (to ever play the last 2 without bagpipes should be a crime of the most heinous sort).

Reignmond Level 7 Mar 24, 2022

Sounds a bit mid east to me.

Zanzibar is kind of where Africa meets Arabia.

@Marionville Oh right, I should have checked a map.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Well…it’s an Island state in the Indian Ocean …just off the East African coast, so technically it’s Africa, but it had a predominantly Arab population, and was principally an Arab trading post and central to the slave trade in earlier centuries.. Freddie Mercury was born there.

@Marionville That explains it then.
Yes, I knew Freddie was born there, but for a person who enjoys maps, I've never looked!

@Marionville Okay, I got it. Just a bit southeast of Kenya, where I have an epal.


Authentic but I can't say I'd enjoy listening to too much of it. I suppose it reminds me of some film music.

Just thought it’d be interesting to hear what it sounded like.

@Marionville Yes, sure. It is interesting but it rather scraped my ears.


I like it - it's very lively, and I can't help but swing my hips to it.

Lauren Level 8 Mar 23, 2022

Great stuff…nothing like getting those hips swaying girl! 😁

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