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I’m back in my native Scotland today with Celtic Rock band Skerryvore which was formed in western isleTiree (Argyll & Bute) in 2004. with two songs written by Martin Gillespie of the band - Soraidh Slan &. The Rise, and featuring Oban High School Pipe Band. The video shows drone footage of the Isle of Tiree and Oban, including Oban’s iconic McCaig’s Tower and excerpts from Oban Live Festival 2018.

….The spoken word introduction at the beginning of the video is William Blake’s “Piping Down the Valleys Wild” from his “Songs of Innocence”.

Marionville 10 June 11
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Good sound, good scenics.

Yes…really good.


Well I liked the start far more than the stage stuff.
Nice scenery.
I have unhappy memories of Oban. We'd been camping near Killin and for some reason were forced to overnight in an incredibly crowded campground late at night in Oban. Thankfully only one night. Our family camping was always very isolated. My parents and sister in a caravan and my brother and I in father's old bell tent. Eldest brother came to some and I guess he was in the caravan.


Love the music. I just bought a music cd at a community sale called All the Best from Scotland, has 35 tunes on it. I've probably heard a lot of them on your World Music group...will let you know if there's any I haven't heard before.😉

Ray13 Level 8 June 11, 2022

Great…let me know and I could post them here.

@Marionville : Found 3 so far that do not show up in your World Music search option...unless they go by another name:They are: Melville Castle; The Jacqueline Waltz; & The Bluebell Polka.

@Ray13 The Bluebell Polka sounds a familiar title…the other two are new to me. Must look them all up.

@Ray13 Yes…this is the Bluebell Polka…it was a very popular tune when I was growing up in Scotland…by Jimmy Shand and his Accordian band.

@Ray13 I’ve looked up Jacqueline Waltz and I do recognise the tune, but never knew it’s name….and Melville Castle is usually known as Willie’s Gane Tae Melville Castle….I do know the song. Here are versions of both songs….

@Marionville : Thank you so much for looking those up, Marje! The video you posted for Melville Castle is unavailable here, so I found this one: ...ok, let me try again...

@Ray13 Yes…I got this one…it’s the same singer….Moira Anderson, who was a very popular singer of Scottish songs in the 60s & 70s.

@Marionville : The version on my cd of Melville Castle is by Alastair MacDonald. I like both, it's a very good song.

@Marionville : I have a question about a song on this cd of Scotland music that's a bit grisly ..It's called Glenco and tells about some people named MacDonald who were murdered. Don't find anything on the internet about MacDonalds in Scotland or Glenco. Do you know anything about it? Not a big deal if you don't know, just wondered if it was based on any thing historical.

@Ray13 Yes…it’s very famous. The Massacre of Glencoe happened in 1692..I’m posting.this Video which relates the story of the event, with its historical context.

@Marionville Thank you, the song is a little vague on details so the video gives a much better description of the massacre - the song doesn't mention how many of the MacDonald clan died. Very interesting, thanks again, Marje.

@Ray13 No problem Ray. Every Scottish child gets schooled in this infamous event in Scottish history…and know of the animosity, still lingering to this day, between the Campbells and the McDonalds.

@Marionville : Great piece of Scottish history...long time for two groups to hold a grudge😲

@Ray13 Long memories when it comes to clan massacres like this.

@Marionville : I can understand with something on such a large scale. There were two massacres not far from where I live...there is a memorial at the sites...where two families of settlers were killed by Shawnee Native Americans in retaliation of their land being taken from them and forced to relocate, in 1812.


What a fantastic display of musical talent! Very stirring and enjoyable!! 😍 the scenery was beautiful!!!

Yes…it’s a very beautiful part of Scotland.

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