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The Nobel Peace Prize organising committee asked Norway’s best known band a-ha if they’d write a new song and perform it live at their December 1998 award ceremony and concert in Oslo. The band had been on a voluntary hiatus since 1994 and not performing or making music together but pursuing separate interests and careers. However, they felt it was probably the impetus they needed to get back together as a creative unit and rose to the challenge with this new song written by Pal Waaktaar and which gained them an entry into Guinness Record Book when they subsequently recorded it in 2000, with Morten Harket holding a sustained note for a record breaking 20.2 seconds. He only holds it for a mere 19.8 seconds in this performance on the song’s public debut on the Nobel stage in 1998!

Marionville 10 Aug 28
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Well, that's a lot better!

That is how really good they are live….but they always are fantastic…I’d not be such a fan if they were merely mediocre. Their music doesn’t sound like anyone else’’s totally unique, as are Morten’s vocal skills!


That wonderful voice amazes me!! 😍

It’s totally unique and just well….wonderful, you’re right!


Such a great honor for them. 😁

Ray13 Level 8 Aug 28, 2022

You know Ray…I really do believe that if it had been a British or American band who had achieved this record- breaking held note …we would still be talking and hearing it played constantly as a reminder of how great they were. The song was released as a single as well as an album track on Minor Earth, Major Sky …and it was very successful across Europe charting @ #1 in many countries, it did quite well in the U.K. too, however I rarely if ever hear it played on the radio here nowadays. It’s not just this song of course…it applies to just about all their songs except TOM & The Sun Always Shines!

@Marionville Well Marje, the bands true fans love and appreciate their music, and Morten’s amazing voice! 😘

@Redheadedgammy Yes…we do don’t we Rhonda! 🥰💖

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