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Runrig are a Scottish folk rock band which was formed on the Isle of Skye in 1973 by brothers Calum & Rory MacDonald and they recruited lead singer Donny Munro the following year. They mainly perform Scottish traditional songs with a rock arrangement, in both English and in Scots Gaelic. Here they are with their version of Loch Lomond at Balloch Country Park which lies on the shores of Loch Lomond…

Marionville 10 Nov 27
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An absolute classic. Jeannie and I sometimes used to include in our stage set.

I think this was probably one of the first songs I ever learned to sing as a very young child.

@Marionville I certainly sang if at prep school from 56-60.


Good version. Always liked the song.


Lomond where I lived for 24 years - the avenue not the loch. Well I remember the cobbles & the gas lamps. Sad was the day the cobbles were covered with bitumen & tar. Probably about the time we lost the rag & bone man, his horse & cart. . . & I no longer had to chase after him with the coal shovel to scoop up his horse's copious poo to put on the roses.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 27, 2023

Exciting gentle times sensible times.

I can remember the gaslighter who was given the Scottish name of a “leerie", coming round the streets of Edinburgh when i was a child, to light the street gaslights every evening. We had one on the corner right outside our house and I’d watch him climb his ladder and open the glass to light the flame. This must've been in the 1950s and a few years later around 1960 they were changed over to electricity.


@Marionville I don't thinks ours had the lamplighters but an automatic timer that lit them. . . I may have been too young to be up when there were lamplighters.
It would make sense that ours went electric when the cobblestones were covered. Given the number of deaths & accident on suburban streets many are probably regretting the natural ability of cobblestones to keep speeds down & probably reduce the cost of road maintenance.

@Marionville I liked the Stevenson poem.

I have vague memory of a Lancashire song of a similar occupation - "the knocker up man" who went round the streets with a long pole tapping on bedroom windows to wake people up to go to work in the days when alarm clocks did not exist or could not be afforded by the mill workers.


@FrayedBear Yes…I did know about the “knocker-uppers” too, but with no personal knowledge like I have of the “leeries”.

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