5 2

The Butler enters the room and announces, " My Lady, there is a telephone call from the City pound regarding a stray dog chasing cars and causing a traffic hazard."
The Lady of the house goes to window, looks out, shakes her head and says." Call my son in here for me please, immediately."
The son enters and the Lady looks sternly at him and say quite loudly, " Charles, I told you to keep Camilla on a leash or confined to the Palace, did I not?"
Charles answer meekly, " Yes Mamma, you did so why have you summoned me?"
" Well," say the Lady of the House, " Camilla is running around the street again, chasing cars and causing yet another traffic hazard, do something about it NOW and make it permanent or I WILL have her impounded for life."

Triphid 9 June 26
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Not funny and inaccurate.
The butler would have used the terms "Your royal highness" or "Majesty" and we do not have something called a city pound.

The prime minister of Australia dies and goes to heaven, St Peter meets him at the gates and asks who he is? The PM tells him but St Peter asks for proof. The PM says "How the bloody hell am I bloody going to bloody prove to you that I'm the bloody prime Minister of bloody Australia!"
St Peter says "You just did"

273kelvin Level 8 June 27, 2020

Aussie humour. Don't you love it 😉. A well balanced people . They have a chip on each shoulder 😉


I don't get it: (

@MissKathleen yes, I know that..


Is this joke just for UK folks?

Lorajay Level 9 June 27, 2020

For royalty hating Australian republicans

Certainly compiled by a non Brit. Firstly the butler would not address the queen as "my lady" but as "your majesty" first of all then as "ma'am". I am in no way a royalist but I cannot see any humour in calling a woman a dog and suggesting that she chases cars.

@Moravian Dogs chasing car wheels is in my experience an Australian phenomena.
By the why the Austalian Queen is fictiiously not the same as the English Queen.
Australian ignorance of Royal protocol was well demonstated by PM Keating who manhandled the Queen during her visit. []

@FrayedBear Trump had a similar problem last year when he laid a hand on the royal personage but fortunately he didn't do any pussy grabbing. That would have strained the special relationship to breaking point.


That's a joke ?

Moravian Level 8 June 27, 2020

For royalty hating Australian republicans



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