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I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals; I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Zealandia 8 Oct 14
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I was given that once as a card from a student. I love it. Especially as I am very good at killing plants I want to keep alive. I am a serial plant killer.

Budgie Level 8 Oct 16, 2022

Is that botanophobia, the often irrational fear of plants, anthophobia, the fear of flowers or fear of trees dendrophobia, lachanophobia, a fear of vegetables (beyond a four-year-old’s distaste).

Dracula no doubt would have alliumphobia, the fear of garlic or is it Mycophobia the fear of mushrooms, which might not actually be an irrational fear given that many mushrooms are poisonous.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Common Plant Phobias – Fear Of Flowers, Plants, and More []

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 16, 2022

And you want to consume every one of the pesky things!!!

Beyond Meat is murder.

@Zealandia Never tried it....don't care too.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Nah, I haven’t tried it either, although the brand is available here.
I tried a plant based KFC burger once, it tasted quite nice.

@Zealandia I have to limit my sodium intake, & so many of these things have way too much.

In the uk, food manufacturers had to reduce the amount of salt in many grocery items.

As a result, I find some items in NZ are way too salty. For example, baked beans.

There’s reports of British people travelling overseas and finding food too salty, as their palates have adjusted to the changed formulations back home.

@Zealandia Yes, we've had some changes here in Canada to some foods too, but not all. Trouble is, these things are often way overboard for amounts of salt, sugar, fat, etc. rather than just a little going a long way. When the consumer eats it, they can add more at the table if needed, but they can't remove excess.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Sugar is added to lots of foods here too. Cereals, peanut butter, baked beans come to mind.

I can’t eat sweetened peanut butter, as I didn’t have it as a child. Have to pay more for unsweetened, which seems a bit strange.

Even Marmite has sugar added, here.

@Zealandia Yes, I look for no sugar, no salt peanut butter, & there are several choices at the same price point as the others. I haven't looked at Marmite for years, so no idea anymore. We seem to have about one cereal that is sugar free, & I get that for my son when he visits as he's a new diabetic. Personally, I'm not a cereal eater.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Weirdly, NZ is growing its own peanuts now, not sure if that’s due to climate change.

I’ve decided to stop eating cereal, just trying to figure out what to have instead. Was thinking of having a poached egg with some sort of tomato side. Tinned tomatoes and cook them down. Could make up a large quantity and freeze to make prep easier on a morning.

Diabetics is a bit of a toughie.

@Zealandia He's coping very well.

My breakfast is 2 or 3 different fresh fruits cut up, & usually an egg on a slice of bread....& not that white stuff either.

@Lilac-JadeCanada That’s good news re your son.

Not a big fan of white bread.

Have worked out the name of the tomato and poached egg dish am thinking of having…..Shakshuka. Lots of recipes online of course.

Porridge is another possibility. I know it’s cereal, however like rolled oats, especially if they’ve been soaked overnight. Not an option in warmer weather though.

I’ll eat the fruit later on as a snack.

@Zealandia Not a porridge fan at all. I also like soup for breakfast. I sometimes drop an egg into boiling broth, & toss in some frozen peas.

@Lilac-JadeCanada I like soup too, however in the evening rather than morning.

Pea soup is a favourite. Easy to make. I have it a really thick consistency.

@Zealandia I love a good homemade pea soup! Peas, onion, ham chunks, grated carrot, & seasonings. I like soup at any time, always have.

I am in Oz and also try to avoid the excess sugar and salt. Don't eat much in the way of processed foods and even tinned food get a really close examination.

I remember the first time we bought low salt peanut butter the amount of sugar must have been insane. I ended up taking the one little pot of peanut butter and making a huge amount of satay sauce out of it. It was sickeningly sweet.

I don't use salt unless I am dehydrated (as in I get a craving for hot chips or for tomato sandwiches which are the only things I put salt on)

I was trying to be healthy and having allbran for breakfast but then I saw how much sugar they put into this food they advertise as a healthy way to start the day. Noped out. I poach two eggs and put lots of pepper on them for my breakfast these days.

@Budgie Yes, I only salt my food when I feel like I need some, which is very rarely.

I bought sweetened peanut butter once by mistake and experienced the same overwhelming taste of sugar. It was awful.

It’s really misleading how cereals are advertised as healthy when there’s so much sugar in many of them. Even muesli.

Looking like eating something egg based for brekky is going to be the way to go.

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