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When Johnny was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mothers rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch . But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 13 his bike got ran over in the driveway. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms, when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 14 a storm blew a tree over onto his house where his room was and destroyed everything in his room. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 13 his bike got ran over in the driveway, when he was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms, when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 15 his father ran off for good. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 14 a storm blew a tree over onto his house where his room was and destroyed everything in his room, when he was 13 his bike got ran over in the driveway, when he was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms, when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 16 his mother had a heart attack and died. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 15 his father ran off for good, when he was 14 a storm blew a tree over onto his house where his room was and destroyed everything in his room, when he was 13 his bike got ran over in the driveway, when he was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms, when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 17 the car he saved up for got stolen. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 16 his mother had a heart attack and died, when he was 15 his father ran off for good, when he was 14 a storm blew a tree over onto his house where his room was and destroyed everything in his room, when he was 13 his bike got ran over in the driveway, when he was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms, when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 18 he was the only one arrested leaving a graduation party. But that's ok, Johnny's used to hardships, after all when he was 17 the car he saved up for got stolen, when he was 16 his mother had a heart attack and died, when he was 15 his father ran off for good, when he was 14 a storm blew a tree over onto his house where his room was and destroyed everything in his room, when he was 13 his bike got ran over in the driveway, when he was 12 he spent the summer with two broken arms, when he was 11 he never got to eat lunch at school because the bully kept taking his lunch , when he was 10 his family forgot his birthday and he didn't get anything, when he was 9 his puppy got hit and killed by a truck, when he was 8 his family's house caught fire and burnt down, when he was 7 he got beaten up pretty bad in school, when he was 6 his favorite toy was taken at the playground, and when he was 5 he had to eat 5 bowls of his mother's rotten oatmeal.

When Johnny was 19 he joined the Navy, determined to turn his luck around. His first day aboard his ship he was told to repaint the masts. As he was painting the very top his safety gear failed and he plummeted down to the deck.

But that's ok, Johnny's used to hard ships.

ImitationGame 4 June 10
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LOL - by nine I just scolled to the end.


You mean hard ships

MrLink Level 8 June 10, 2018

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