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I just wanted to get through Dec 25th, unharmed, like any other day.
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Here's hoping that you find that one channel that doesn't have a Xmas special on. Vegans have it very rough around here since almost everything this time of year has some form of bacon in it.
Hope you all have a great Sunday!
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Seasons' greetings
It was the Xmas 1 in the UK in 1974, it isn’t Elvis but Mud’s lead singer Les Grey really ...
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2023:
I don't know where to post this but anyway, I love metal music except, for Christian metal can go ...
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2023:
I'm not sure either, but he is a conservative and he definitely needs bashing. I mean who puts a hit out on his own wife?
The tree just got serious.
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Be gentle!
Happy Holidays all
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2023:
Merry Christmas, even to the mousers.
Join my new Facebook Group, "Biblical Satire" see link below []
glennlab comments on Dec 22, 2023:
I left FB a few months back and can't say I've missed it.
He is nice and did not hesitate
glennlab comments on Dec 22, 2023:
Merry Xmas
I want to thank the people on this site for giving me much comfort the last 4 years.
glennlab comments on Dec 22, 2023:
Clad we could be here for you.
Oh, I had no idea
glennlab comments on Dec 22, 2023:
Just keeping it in the family.
This story made be giggle.
glennlab comments on Dec 21, 2023:
It has been years since I've seen this, but it is still as funny today as it was then, good find.
Steve Bannon Says Arm School Children to Stop Bullying Right-wing podcast host and Trump ...
glennlab comments on Dec 21, 2023:
Everybody gets a gun,
Cream. - White Room, live Royal Albert Hall, 2005… []
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
Loved them in concert.
Better luck next year I guess
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
marketing, know your audience.
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 8
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 7
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 6
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 5
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 4
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 3
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 2
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
xmas 1
Gotta take my mom to a couple of doctors appointments tomorrow, goodnight!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
I guess I better start
Anybody remember The Amphicar 1965 I saw it at a boat show exhibition in 1966 in Prineville Oregon,...
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2023:
LBJ had one and loved to show it off. He would take guests around to show off his ranch, then as he got back to the ranchhouse he would drive straight into the lake. Our quarterback (SWTSU) got the treatment,but he dove out of the car right before it went into the lake. Everyone was in stitches. LBJ was as big as Texas and twice as coarse.
Wait, what? So you? Want to grab my what!?!
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2023:
Merry Z mas
Not to be taken lightly
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2023:
Damn,how many more volumes are there? Just because it has a hole, doesn't mean you can stick your dick in it and not get hurt.
She must find a preacher for the answer
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2023:
The lower you are in the food chain something is, the more important its contribution and significance can be. Science can answer the question that religion fails to answer.
Winter Gloves: Been a strange week.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2023:
I find I go in spurts. I'll clean out and give away, then replace to a higher level. It is hard to overcome a lifetime of adding to the reserves, then realizing you don't need that many extras anymore, or that you're not going to be able to do certain things anymore.
Even more tragic than genocide against an entire nation apparently!?! 😇 []
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2023:
There is quite the comparison to our own Indian wars of the 1800s. or our over, mis-directed response to 9-11.
"The Budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the ...
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2023:
We've learned that those that scream for isolationism and extreme fiscal constraint are normally wrong, that governments should not be run like a business since they are a public service, that money spent for foreign assistance fills the coffers at home. That the general public is blind to the public good unless they benefit directly and immediately. All are lesson that have to be relearned enummeral times for the slow learners.
Info for the Americans here: Hospital groups (including Mayo!) are dropping Medicare Advantage ...
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2023:
I have been advising against MA plans from the beginning. You did not have to be an accountant to see that there were going to be shortfalls in the near future. Bankers (insurers) never give you anything you haven't overpaid for or that they don't expect to see a huge return on investment. The only way health insurers make money is to deny claims. Now that MA has a 51% market share, the complaints are starting to make their way to the surface. Most MA plans were willing to take the short term losses to harvest the long term gains. We should have been more demanding of congress than willing to listen to the slick sales calls of United Healthcare. The changes that have to be made, need to be demanded . 1. No separate policy for eyes, teeth, hearing or deductible. 2. Only government issued policies can be called medicare. 3. Full staffing These are not all the changes, but are a start. Fund it by reversing the $10 trillion tax cuts and clawing back the windfall profits that have driven greedflation.
So is Mark Meadows a Russian Spy?
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2023:
It looks like Meadows may not be building that second home after all.
Rudy Giuliani must pay more than $148m over false election claims: []
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2023:
And he is still lying as soon as he stepped out of the court, He's broke and stupid, it only gets worse from here.
That gawd is such a prankster.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2023:
The war on Christmas is over, Amazon won this year.
Does anyone know, has the Member Fvckyou left the site ?
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2023:
it appears he has deleted his account. I hope he finds whatever peace he is searching for.
My husband had a massive stroke and recovery is unlikely.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2023:
Sometimes telling the chaplain the situation will get the message spread, it depends on the hosp and the chaplain.
I never liked the man, but he has a point
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2023:
So far you are making my point for me, that even a broken clock can be right once a day. Ronnie was not good for the country, Trump was a nightmare.
Won't you come?
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2023:
Vice is nice but incest is what he does best.
I’m guessing we can say goodbye to Navalny at this time?! 🤨 []
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2023:
Pretty sure he's gone for good this time.
[] Yes. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2023:
Says the mentally deranged ultra right wing nazi.
Texas Atty.
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2023:
I see you got one of the few pictures where Paxton doesn't look stoned.
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2023:
I feel sorry for the poor fact checkers.
Sounds to be pretty life like
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Better than trump, he shits all over everyone including the constitution.
Since they don't give us a discount for free labor, it is the least they can do.
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2023:
Second Tuesday of next week.
As long as you write it that way.
glennlab comments on Dec 8, 2023:
dates are funny, depending on where you live.
Sometimes I just don't get why life exist or why it is even worth trying to live.
glennlab comments on Dec 8, 2023:
Enjoy what time you have, because that is all you get. Don't fret over the things that you can't change. The sun will come up tomorrow, be happy in it.
Same thing every year, you think I'll ever learn.
glennlab comments on Dec 8, 2023:
It is so hard to bite your tongue at times.
Ho Ho Ho the Xmas ads are out.
glennlab comments on Dec 8, 2023:
Good stuff, lol
Who's coming, no one's on the shelf.
glennlab comments on Dec 8, 2023:
lunch time.
Wednesday cynicism?
glennlab comments on Dec 6, 2023:
I firmly believe there is magic in crystals. They can change from pretty rocks into green paper for me. from New York!
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2023:
Gilda, Jim and Dan, sadly only Dan remains with us.
...well that's just your opinion man.
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2023:
The son of Sea Hunt.
I found this on NewsBreak: Newsom's fierce backing of Biden and Harris in DeSantis debate fails to ...
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2023:
I would be cautious about ANYTHING from newsbreak. They are a reputed bot farm.
I am an open book.
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2023:
Nailed it. I think that makes several of us.
Don't worry. This is edited for PG-13.
glennlab comments on Dec 3, 2023:
R is OK as long as it is not full frontal nudity
email to rusingle,at,xyz,dotcom
glennlab comments on Dec 3, 2023:
Had my shots.
It's all I have for today!
glennlab comments on Dec 3, 2023:
Brutal, love it.
And I was just about to give him the hundred bucks. Close call.
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2023:
She needs to learn.
And she's just found out what he really really wants. 😆
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2023:
Go through my phone all you want, but ALL my computers are locked tight.
This was my view from my lanai tonight, as I returned from my evening walk.
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2023:
beautiful? got an extra chair?
[] Santos expelled!
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2023:
I think it was because they hope voters' memories are short and they will only have to defend the corruption of ONE serial liar (DJT) and not make it look like it is the whole party. Santos was a millstone around the neck of NY republicans who desperately wanted to distance themselves from him. I say we don't let people forget that they supported him, until the stink was too bad.
I certainly wish that.
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2023:
nose hare made me lol, good set.
Gosh, never seen that one before
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2023:
Notice that she is stoned in her defense.
...did you have one?
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2023:
Yep, my grandparents owned a hardware store and got all the new stuff to show off.
I don't get it. Drive like a female reproductive system. ??
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2023:
nah, there are more proctologist.
Good riddance to the most evil kind of shitty rubbish....
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2023:
Dr. K makes you wish there were a hell.
That'll make 'em talk!
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2023:
That'll do it.
That's some rather vulgar wrapping paper there. I suppose it gets the message across though.
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2023:
This will probably not be the last time you see this
Hey, I made it to level 9.
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2023:
Remember that each tenth tenth is 80,000 points and total to get to level 8 was only 50,000. Congrats old friend. When you get close, you realize that you have maxed out the bulk of ways to get points.
I am just happy to be a nobody
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2023:
and they're all dead.
That'll do the trick kid, lol.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2023:
Snowman is going to fall apart
Yup, they do that in England, too. Hypocritical, virtue-signaling or what?
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2023:
The really ugly part is not only do they beg you to donate, they then take the tax deduction for your contribution and used your money until they make the donation interest free.
Brace yourselves folks, here comes the X-Mess memes!
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2023:
Only a few days left for this one
Happy Tuesday Morning!
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2023:
He probably shouldn't have had the window down.
I posted a piece in politics on how the US debt is now 33.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2023:
I just checked, the post is up. but @spiketalon is right sometimes the posts do get moved with or without human intervention.
No doubt about it but painful though.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2023:
or sans gender
It bears repeating.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2023:
Spot on.
So when Trump has a hot date with a porn star does he take her for dinner at McDonalds and say.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2023:
Then he has to cut a check or three for her not to tell anyone about his mushroom.
Brittany's knife game has surprised everyone
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2023:
That's one blonde he doesn't want.
She has not forgotten
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2023:
I hope that teaches you.
They asked AI to show how Texas would be if it were a person. Do you agree?
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2023:
forgot the huge belt buckle and tiny dick.
Making up for the couple of days I was busy!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
Love the number trick.
How to Grow Turmeric at Home in Containers Turmeric, known for its vibrant color and myriad health ...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
If you live in USDA zone 8 or higher, it is a great outdoor plant with nice foliage. Be sure when you get your tubers that they have not been treated to prevent sprouting. either get them from a garden center, organic grocer, or Asian market.
A church is the only business enterprise where ...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
All businesses do to some extent, religions have perfected it and made it tax exempt.
"Honey what kind of "fine wine" goes well with fried chicken?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
my response
Can't even find 'em in the Farmer's Almanac..I looked.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
another great set
Musical trousers
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
I bet that would chafe or pinch or both.
yea many can see this now
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2023:
If Saddam was refusing to accept US dollars, Why did he have $4 billion dollars in $100 bills hidden in the walls of his palace?
In the literature about cultural appropriation, philosophers have tried to explain the nature of the...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2023:
Celebrating any culture is a way of preserving it. In today's world where international borders are freely crossed and migration is easier than it has ever been, the dilution of ethic identity is ever increasing. My father was a Cajun, one of the smallest ethnic groups in the US less than 1 million. I am 50% Cajun, I married a Woman of Austrian-German descent, my son is 25% Cajun, looks German and knows little of his Cajun heritage (my fault). He married a Taiwanees woman their daughter is 12.5% Cajun, looks Chinese. What culture may my granddaughter celebrate without the culture police doxxing her? Is hosting Mardi Gras off limits? Cajun cooking? Hosting Octoberfest? wearing lederhossen? Since she is legitimately part of those cultures by birth but not by appearance, who has the right to say she should not be able to own that as her own? Who has the right to tell anyone that they don't have the right to celebrate any culture in a way that helps to preserve it for the future?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2023:
Why not republish the protocols of the elders of zion of some other equally false history to go with this.
Umm... No.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2023:
Reminds me of the first cat my ex and I had. We had rescued it out of the dumpster, and to acclimate it to us, we kept it inside the house for a month, the first day that we let her go out , we had had 8 inches of snow the previous night. I never saw a cat move so fast in my life turning around.
[] united states keeps a southern border open
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2023:
Why hasn't the republican house or the previous administration ever proposed or passed an immigration reform bill. The president can only enforce laws that have been passed. There is no open border, the only people advocating for it are right wing nut jobs, so they can shut it dowm. Isolationism has only lead to the US's involvement in two world wars that could have been prevented or curtailed with earlier action.
True story
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2023:
Only if you were a complete idiot to begin with. There should be no way that anyone could only believe things that are false. That day is night and night is day. In order for a lie to be believable, there must be a kernel of truth in it.
I would LOVE to hear what the cheerleaders chant.
glennlab comments on Nov 21, 2023:
UNT not only thought it through, they made big bucks off of it.
I do not own a gun and i wont know what to do with one anyways , but go ahead and try to take or ...
glennlab comments on Nov 21, 2023:
I bet you're glad that your dogs aren't nearly as big as hers, but I see you in that last one. Really good set.
Count me in. I'll bring jars of old screws and nails. 😆
glennlab comments on Nov 21, 2023:
We're going to have fun.
What a fun surprise from my new little miss-marked Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) - ...
glennlab comments on Nov 21, 2023:
It's a cat-asophe...
glennlab comments on Nov 20, 2023:
Better call Saul.
Christmas is coming....
glennlab comments on Nov 19, 2023:
It's not even Turkey day yet.
Age is not the issue
glennlab comments on Nov 19, 2023:
I'll take old over a corrupt, liar, draft dodging, traitor any day.


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