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Are any members of this page also members of local chapters of the AHA?

I’m the Board Chair for [] . We are located in Central California and hold most of our events in Modesto.

SurvivorSteph 6 Apr 26
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Yes. I’m a member of the Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix (HSGP)

RJ14 Level 4 July 30, 2018

I belong to the Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). We are currently affiliated with the AHA, and are a member of the AEU. I personally am a dues paying member of AHA, and our community is going to be voting next week on whether or not to become a chapter of AHA as well.

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Posted by Soarfeetfrom the AHA FB page:

Posted by SpikeTalonAnother good site worth checking out- [] One of my favorite quotes from Nietzsche.

Posted by NYTrinkWhy do they cite the Bible, but not things like this?!?!

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