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I am Humanist - I sometimes go to events at the local Humanist Association. I am probably behind on membership dues, though. They are a good group.

SKH78 8 May 16
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Our local humanist group meets at a wonderful coffee shop on Sunday mornings. It’s a great community!


Are they conducted on Sunday mornings like a church service or more like speaking engagements?

Markus Level 7 May 16, 2018

Not sure how Sue’s group operates, but my group offers a variety of events from colloquiums to karaoke to brunch to humanism classes.

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Posted by Soarfeetfrom the AHA FB page:

Posted by SpikeTalonAnother good site worth checking out- [] One of my favorite quotes from Nietzsche.

Posted by NYTrinkWhy do they cite the Bible, but not things like this?!?!

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