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What's your JW story ?

Wildgreens 8 Apr 4
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Oh man, i'll have to type a text wall....

Proto Level 6 May 3, 2018

Well born into it and stayed with it till I was about 12...My "dad" was in the running to be one of the elders at the kingdom hall he attended..He died when I was 12 and that gave me the chance to really question my beliefs and start breaking away....Theres a lot more to that story but you're gona need to get me drunk for that part.

josh23452 Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

Born in, been out for 17 years now. I went to college and got my bachelors degree (JW frown on higher education). I am shunned by my JW family.

You know, the usual!


JK666 Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

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