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My great nephew is staying with me for the Summer and having him here has shifted my mind set from bear to mama bear. The transformation is mind boggling to me sometimes but it is almost like a metamorphosis. Give me a child to be responsible for and suddenly all my fears are gone. I sure wish I knew how to maintain this mindset when I am alone but glad I have it and the insight to look at it too.

CreativelyMe 7 June 17
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I understand from the "Papa Bear" end of the spectrum. I was a semi-stepfather to a set of boys that had a father (Xtian) that threatened to kill them because they wanted to live with their mother. They begged me to stay and protect them. I bought a Glock .45 and was ready to blow his ass away if he would try to kill them. Do not mess with a bear.

JK666 Level 7 June 22, 2018

I am so glad you were there for them. How truly sad and disturbing that any parent could threaten their own children,


It's cause you have to do it .You might try volentering it can give you a purpose to hold it together for others .

Besalbub Level 8 June 17, 2018

Volunteering is a great outlet. I used to do a lot of it but I currently cannot due to vehicle issues and lack of funds. Hopefully I will win my disability case so I can get my needs met and then it is full speed ahead. Do you currently volunteer? I think it would be cool if we shared our experiences because a lot of people are unaware of all the options out there.

@Creatively I'm a volunteer fire man in a rural dept . I'm getting too old for it though there are several older than me and I'm not quiting before them . After this maybe I'll drive for meals on wheels . It's good to hear your doing better . Id still call your brother out on his offer with the car .

@Besalbub I kept calling him out until e got sick of listening to me and finally got it fixed.

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Posted by CreativelyMeMy great nephew is staying with me for the Summer and having him here has shifted my mind set from bear to mama bear.

Posted by CreativelyMeMy Mothers Day Poem........... People say I don't love you but I know it's not true cuz whenever I see my psychiatrist all I talk about is you

Posted by CreativelyMeGood evening! Some BPD humor for you!

Posted by CreativelyMeGood morning everyone. A big welcome to our new members. I would love to hear how everyone is doing and a little bit about you if you wouldn't mind sharing.

Posted by CreativelyMeBPD and you

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