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If you were behind the plate, how would you call this.

The rule is pretty clear, right? What do you think of a hitter who would do this to spoil a perfect game with two outs in the ninth?
Would he have done it if he weren't wearing the brace?

JimG 8 July 9
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were I the ump,the first thing I would have done was slap the batter.What a piece of crap he is.That was just cheezy.Then,I would have called it either a ball or no pitch.When the manaIger comes out to chat,I would explain that HE needs to talk to his boy and explain that what the batter did was wrong,REAL WRONG.

lookinhard Level 7 Sep 17, 2018

I was watching live when it happened a few years ago. He dove into that ball. Had h just stayed where he was he would not have been hit. I'd have called the batter out for making a travesty of the game.

d_day Level 7 Sep 16, 2018

31 was being an idiot.Umpire maybe a bigger idiot.HE LEANED RIGHT DOWN TO GET HIT.Max didnt deserve that

lookinhard Level 7 Aug 17, 2018

He made no attempt to get out of the way but leaned into the pitch instead.

Alvingo1 Level 7 July 9, 2018

I have only seen one instance where the batter was refused the HBP call for not attempting to get out of the way. This was obviously one of those situations where the batter should have moved. Craig Biggio was notorious for "leaning into pitches". If I was the umpire and I saw it...….get your ass back in the box Tabata.

Darthpug Level 7 July 9, 2018
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Posted by GreatNaniWatching the World Series with my Dad. This is stressing me out! The Nats are not playing well at home!

Posted by Nichole765Sorry Boss!

Posted by Nichole765Hi... Cubs fan here.

Posted by JimGIf you were behind the plate, how would you call this. [] The rule is pretty clear, right?

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