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Hi. Being a Brit I don't fully get all the rules of baseball but I've loved the game since my only trip to America when a bunch of guys in a bar tried explaining the game to me. We used to get 2 games per week on our tv but I rely on Youtube now. I hope in time I can ask my American friends on here to explain what is currently on my mind. For now I can't quite get my head around the sac fly. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Sandster 7 July 22
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The sacrifice fly is basically trading an out for a run or a better chance to score a run. In a close game, one run can make the difference, alternately if you can move a runner into scoring position, second or third base, the opposing team may alter their defense and the pitcher will most likely speed up his delivery.

Even if a sac fly doesn't drive in the run, it may affect your opponents game plan. Baseball is like chess.

JimG Level 8 Sep 8, 2018

Recent Visitors 10


Posted by GreatNaniWatching the World Series with my Dad. This is stressing me out! The Nats are not playing well at home!

Posted by Nichole765Sorry Boss!

Posted by Nichole765Hi... Cubs fan here.

Posted by JimGIf you were behind the plate, how would you call this. [] The rule is pretty clear, right?

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