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Here we are at the last week of the season. Many races still need to be decided, but one in particular really interests me. The Dodgers have won their division five consecutive years. They currently hold a game and a half lead with six left to play.

Colorado is in second and playing out their remaining seven games against the Phils and the Nats, both of which are playing about .500 ball.

The Dodgers final games are against the D-backs and the Giants, both of which love to play the spoiler, especially against the Dodgers.

Can the Dodgers hold on and win a sixth consecutive division title?

d_day 7 Sep 24
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Posted by GreatNaniWatching the World Series with my Dad. This is stressing me out! The Nats are not playing well at home!

Posted by Nichole765Sorry Boss!

Posted by Nichole765Hi... Cubs fan here.

Posted by JimGIf you were behind the plate, how would you call this. [] The rule is pretty clear, right?

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