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How can someone come to a Cubs game, root for such a diverse team... And then be part of this situation?? The team you love so much, has Latino players!
I am just in awe of how some people are so hypocritical, or ignorant, or... just simply racist.

Nichole765 7 Sep 26
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I deal with it in Central Florida with football. Lots of rednecks and wanna-be cowboys that throw racist comments throughout their everyday conversation. However, if you talk about fantasy football or college football it's like their skin color changes tones.

Darthpug Level 7 Sep 26, 2018

People are jackasses everywhere. Baseball is not a squeaky clean sport where racism is concerned. The Boston Red Sox are the most notable, but they aren't alone.

JimG Level 8 Sep 26, 2018

Maybe it's more that people feel more comfortable being racist now. There's no shame in it.

In my personal life, I've been asked if I'm from PR, Mexico, Cuba.. (no, no and no)
But I'd never dream of asking a stranger that.

Recent Visitors 6


Posted by GreatNaniWatching the World Series with my Dad. This is stressing me out! The Nats are not playing well at home!

Posted by Nichole765Sorry Boss!

Posted by Nichole765Hi... Cubs fan here.

Posted by JimGIf you were behind the plate, how would you call this. [] The rule is pretty clear, right?

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