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What's your thoughts on umpires? What about robo-calling strikes?

Nichole765 7 Oct 9
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They can show on tv where pitch location was and if it was ball or strike, why don't they just use that technology

RickyAdams Level 6 Jan 17, 2019

Sweet Lou sure wore his thoughts on his sleeve, he ALWAYS made sure he got his money's worth before he left the field. Billy Martin also. I do like the replay review, they are trying to get it right.
A few years back the pitcher who was robbed of a perfect game sure pissed me off. That feat happens so rarely it was terrible. I think Felix Hernandez the Seattle pitcher was just the 23rd pitcher in baseball to do it.

Which screwed up perfecto are you talking about? I can think of two. The one where Jim Joyce called a guy safe when he was out by at least a full step? Or the one where the batter dove into a pitch for an HBP and the ump awarded him first?

@d_day The Jim Joyce one, can't remember the pitcher's name. I'll have to google it and the other one.

@silverotter11 it was Armando Galarraga.


I've argued for years that balls and strikes should be called by machine.

d_day Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

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Posted by GreatNaniWatching the World Series with my Dad. This is stressing me out! The Nats are not playing well at home!

Posted by Nichole765Sorry Boss!

Posted by Nichole765Hi... Cubs fan here.

Posted by JimGIf you were behind the plate, how would you call this. [] The rule is pretty clear, right?

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