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Any card collectors or ranger fans in here?

RickyAdams 6 Dec 3
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I was a card collector from my childhood. I started with collecting football and baseball cards in the mid 70's and had a decent collection. I had a break-in a couple of years ago and got a bulk of my collection stolen. I'm trying to finish a 91 topps Desert Shield baseball set.

Darthpug Level 7 Dec 7, 2018

That desert storm set is cool and its high dollar now bc it was only given to troops in iraq and alot were thrown away or lost. If u got the chipper jones card thats big $ bc its his rc and super rare

@RickyAdams supposed 6800 sets were made from what I read. Some never made it overseas and were picked through at bases throughout Europe. There was so much fraud by people soliciting companies to send stuff for the troops that never got to the troops. I was collecting and got ahold of about 100 cards, but I knew the current Topps set was cheap and didn't think much of the cards. Lucky I kept them. No Chipper though. Rumor has it that the last Topps Tiffany set in 1991 is more rare than the Desert Shield set. Prices haven't reflected that though. I think the story behind the Desert Shield set is a great story and keeps the prices high due to speculation on what quantities are still out there.

@Darthpug 500 of the tiffany sets. Pudge rodriguez is my fave player and ive got his 91 topps tiffant rc graded gem mint 10.theyre considerably more than base topps, but still not overly expensive. Pudges reg topps rc is about $2. Think i gave $100 for the gem mint tiffany.

@RickyAdams that was the thing with Pudge's timeframe for his rookie, the hobby started to get gluttened with junk. You have to go to shortprints or parallels to get something unique. I have been hunting around in the 70's and before to find cards. The new stuff just isn't too exciting.

@Darthpug absolutely true. Ppl now want auto, piece of game used, and serial numbered or its not worth messing with

@RickyAdams what kills me is the autograph industry. I can't see spending money on an autograph that someone else got. If I stood around the dugouts and stuff during games or spring training and scored an autograph that meant something. That person spent some time with me. If you buy it on ebay what is it worth other than the resale value?

@Darthpug very true. If i get an autograph in person its bc its one i want otherwise its not wofth the time and money put into it. Even a simple autograph baseball... The balls gonna cost u near $20 stand in line for hour(s) and fight a mob of selfish self serving ppl to get it. Im not doing all that unless its one i really want but alot of ppl just see an easy buck


No, I am a Mariners, Phillies and Cubs fan. Nothing really against Texas but once Bush was elected I found it difficult to root for Texas teams. 😉

U realize that was over 20 years ago. What do u think of that mariner tear down last cpl weeks.

@RickyAdams Yes I know it was 20 years ago, but I still have the image of the Twin Towers and the knowing in my head Bush would take us to war. That image came on the TV as the Mariners baseball highlights were just being run, there was nothing else on the rest of the day. It was just so sad and Bush did exactly what my SO at the time knew he would do. That how baseball got intertwined with politics for.
I haven't followed the recent goings on. I do not have TV, have not been on facebook or following espn or mlb on the internet. Sadly, or not, been spending too much time on 🙂 I'll check it out.

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