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I'm interested in all kinds of so-called classical music from the early 1400's to the present but particular interests include my 20th-century gods, Debussy, Mahler, Schoenberg, Berg, Carter, Berio, Boulez, and Stockhausen; Berlioz; Mozart's operas; Wagner; and 19th-century Italian opera. I also have a special interest in live recordings of these repertories. I actually have close to 20 recordings of Stockhausen's Gruppen, for example, and virtually every Met broadcast of Figaro or Don Giovanni featuring Cesare Siepi.

Tassilo-David 1 Nov 25
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I'm more of a classical-era buff up through the Romantic era (Bach to Brahms). My coaches at the conservatory were especially enamored with Mozart, Dvorak, Mendellsohn, Bach, Brahms - so that is mostly what I studied. As a result, I know all 4 parts of the 6 Haydn Quartets Mozart wrote. My chamber group class is working on the Dissonance quartet now. Last semester we studied the Hunt.