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I always nerd out over Philly. Last night i watched the movie Blow Out. (A young John Travolta to give you an idea of the age) Blow Out is a tale about a cover up of a murder and the fallout affecting the life of a witness (travolta). Set in Philadellphia in the '70's, it was completely believable - except the speeding car. There were a lot of location shots, a ficticious Liberty Jubilee Parade, that I understand was a catalyst for plot movement. In short., I didn't hate it. And I'm usually VERY critical of any depiction of my city. By the way.... The walk to the bathroom in 30th Street Station is STILL exactly the same!!! Long baron hallway covered in sandy hued marble. <3

Lillyfield41 7 Aug 21
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I haven't seen the movie, but I have used the bathroom in the Terminal Market, past the shoe-shine station. It always feels like I've walked past where I was supposed to be ... like "you're not supposed to be here, go back with the other tourists and eat cheese steaks!"

No one ever says that, but I feel it in my heart.

They renovated the whole terminal market... it still feels that way though. there is a beer garden and a used book shop that i walked by to get to that restroom in recent years.... got a groovy oscar wilde book and always a beer.

no more book store and beer garden changed hands.


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Posted by surrealhoax[] A little something nerdy about atheists, I suppose.

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