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My son (my youngest) is on week three of his undergraduate stint at the university. I am adjusting. The house is cleaner already! I've been sad because E's room mate is not social (at least with my son), preferring to go home weekends, etc. E has settled into going places on his own and attended a campus club round up last week (BIG process for my previously lonely shy child!). He chose to sign up for the secular student alliance, despite their booth being difficult to get to due to the church booths surrounding it. I never required atheism, exposing the kids to some local churches and leaving the choice theirs. This is fascinating to watch playing out...

Zster 8 Aug 25
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There are a lot of mixed feelings watching them grow up. Going off to college is a milestone, but it doesn't end there. And I agree - the whole process is fascinating

HeraTera Level 7 Aug 25, 2018