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A few of us bumped into each other in the main forum and found many shared concerns or experiences with our nests emptying. This group was formed to give us a place to discuss related issues to our hearts content!

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Zster 8 Mar 11
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Hello zster!
I'm kinda just peeking in to check any posts. I have 3 years until I'm an official empty nester. My eldest though has been out of the house since she graduated at 17. Even though she's handling life like a pro I still worry about her and feel an emptiness in the everyday without her. My son is 17 and I have another daughter 15. The way time is flying, they'll be gone in a blink. If I'm feeling this hole inside of me now how much worse will it be later when they're all gone?


I am a widowed (11 years) mom of two with a 21 YO headed back to college (4 hrs away) and an 18 YO son about to head to school (university TBD; we should know by April) this fall. My immediate concern is a selfish one. I've not lived alone since 1988. This could be a huge adjustment. My husband was SUPPOSED to walk this with me. Sigh.

Zster Level 8 Mar 11, 2018

I'm so sorry to hear about you losing your husband. I'm alone too in this. I think it will be a huge adjustment but you sound strong enough to handle the change.