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Religion isn't the only area of life that chooses belief over facts. Here's an (apologetically very long) article on why companies choose not to use evidence-based management.


The article admits that research can be a bit hard to come by, interpret and put into practice. But from my personal experience as a marketer, creating tests and gathering data to measure outcomes always outperforms "intuition." We just have too many blind spots to manage otherwise. What's been your experience in applying scientific methods to business management?

4Humanity 4 Aug 30
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Posted by WarmFluffyHello, I'm working on my plan B job.

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new to the community and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeBnB closed until Jan 1st heading to England today to spend the holidays with family I needed some downtime anyhow.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeFall has come to my BnB ?? the weather is so perfect I wish I could bottle it!

Posted by SkotlandSkyeFall has come to my BnB ?? the weather is so perfect I wish I could bottle it!

Posted by SkotlandSkyeFall has come to my BnB ?? the weather is so perfect I wish I could bottle it!

Posted by SkotlandSkyeRemodeling a rental house. Yes, I pretty much do it all myself. I actually love painting. It’s therapeutic. The inspiration for this one is Autumn colors.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeRemodeling a rental house. Yes, I pretty much do it all myself. I actually love painting. It’s therapeutic. The inspiration for this one is Autumn colors.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeRemodeling a rental house. Yes, I pretty much do it all myself. I actually love painting. It’s therapeutic. The inspiration for this one is Autumn colors.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeStarting today, my BnB is booked until next Monday by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original builders of my cottage.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeStarting today, my BnB is booked until next Monday by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original builders of my cottage.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeStarting today, my BnB is booked until next Monday by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original builders of my cottage.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeStarting today, my BnB is booked until next Monday by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original builders of my cottage.

Posted by SkotlandSkyeI’ve been cleaning for 4 and a half hours....almost ready for new guests to check in! One group ones coming! Busy day at the BnB! ?

Posted by SkotlandSkyeThe new lighted shelves in the living room :-)

Posted by SkotlandSkyeThe new lighted shelves in the living room :-)

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