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Maybe because they are part of it. Look at the haircuts on cops these days (Nazi) and how quick they are to shoot unarmed "perps". In fact, the skinhead look is ubiquitous. "Just a style" you say. Oh really?

fishline79 7 Nov 4
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I agree that the police forces were historically stocked full of racists by design and have been over militarized with hand me down equipment from the armed forces, but the hair has little to do with it. Anyone in a combative profession or any sort of fighter has super short cut hair because its a major weak spot if you have enough hair for someone to grab you by it. Also why women cops can't wear ponytails n meticulously pin their hair up tight usually.

But to the essence of your point, I think after WWII a lot of soldiers from the south and places like boston (which were even more racist than the south tbh) were shipped out to LA and other fast expanding inner cities. Thats how a lot of communities got prejudiced police forces with little to no ties to the community theyre supposed to protect.

Wurlitzer Level 8 Nov 8, 2018

Nice try but I don't buy it. Did you ever see photos of Hitler Youth, SS and Gestapo? ". Short back and sides. This was required of Nazis. In fact, extreme right wing groups everywhere sport similar styles, either totally bald or bald on sides. It's a political statement. You will never convince me otherwise. Perhaps your explanation would apply to Pro "wrestlers"(hair could be a problem) and , of course police are right-wing by nature. The obvious exception would be some 'Bikers", who are rightists but only about half are skinheads. The long hair is a throwback to the sixties, and perhaps a reaction to not being permitted long hair in Viet Nam.


So you think cops are Nazis, but you also want them to be the only ones with the guns?

Keith_J Level 6 Nov 5, 2018

I'll concede that you have a point there. I'll give you that one, but I never said that they should be the only ones with the guns. But they can't even keep their tazers in their pants! Cops never used to have an itchy trigger finger. We are in a new era, and yes, I do compare them to "Storm Troopers" and 'Gestapo". They are emboldened by groups like NRA and the (new) Republican Party who have their birthplace in the South.They used to call them "Dixicrats" before they changed their party and migrated to Washington.

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