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How do, cowpokes! Anyonehere MTG?? I played a very long time ago, like back in the 90's!!! (Yes, that makes me old lol). I would like get back in the water, and see if it is still the same 🙂

Dichotomy 2 July 25
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Old as dirt myself. I was given a box of MTG when it first came out to test from my local game store. I still have a ton of old and new cards. Still play. Love it. It has changed a lot though.

Wahker Level 6 Aug 5, 2018

I play MTG. Not as much as I used to in the last year or so, but I've played since about 99. A lot has changed since the 90s, but if you can get over the culture shock, most of it has been for the better. ?

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