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Let's get this whole thing kickstarted by talking about our favorite games. As far as video games go, I'm a huge Metal Gear Solid fan. The Fallout series has been a favorite of mine since the first one many moons ago. I do love tabletop gaming as well. D&D is always a classic and I love the storytelling aspect of it. I've also played Mage: The Ascension alongside Vampire: The Masquerade. I've been wanting to get into the Call of Cthulhu pen and paper game, but I live in a small area and there just aren't enough people around here even familiar with Lovecraft let alone the game. I am also, and always will be, a die-hard Nintendo fan.

ReBrew2115 6 Mar 23
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I really enjoyed World of Warcraft during Burning Crusade and Mists of Pandaria. I started running short of free time after MoP, and I just couldn't get back into the game. That being said, in terms of overall enjoyment simply spamming battlegrounds and arena matches is pretty difficult to top.

Other games I always seem to come back to are Diablo II and Star Control II. If you haven't ever checked out Star Control II, then you are missing out on one of the greatest games every made. I highly recommend it!

Enkurkur Level 4 Apr 7, 2018

I'm an old school wargamer. Avalon Hill, SPI, all the classics. My favorite of these is Squad leader.

Outside of wargaming, I enjoy a good friendly card game, especially Cribbage and Hearts )oj, so Hearts is not always so friendly....)


I love Pokémon and Ace Attorney, two very popular Nintendo staples! I've also played Splatoon, Mario and Metroid, and I'm planning to play Kid Icarus: Uprising soon.

Oh, and how can I not mention Super Smash Bros., the most ambitious crossover series in the history of the universe? I don't think I've played a more fun game! Seriously.

Other games I like - Ghost Trick, Hitman, Life is Strange and Zero Escape.

ronak Level 5 Apr 4, 2018

Smash Bros is one of my all time favs. Mele was perfection.


Those are some classic PC games. I'm a PlayStation player and I love BioWare and Bethesda's RPGs, my favourite is Dragon Age: Origins.

Troll23 Level 3 Mar 30, 2018

I've yet to play a Dragon Age game of any kind. I used to own Origins for PS3 but never got around to playing it.

@ReBrew2115 Phenomenal game, I played it before I saw the Lord of the Rings movies, so I couldn't tell how much was ripped off at first, but the impact you have on the game from not only what you do but what you say is amazing.

@Troll23 I will have to check it out for sure. I'm still plugging my way through Fallout 4 right now.

@ReBrew2115 Great game, ever since I realized that settlement building and managing settlers was essentially Conquest, I've played that game a lot. I hope more RPG's use similar systems in the future, there's a lot more potential than just having lots of people fight and make money for you.

@Troll23 Yeah, I go back and forth. I love Fallout 4's settlement system, but it does feel a little lacking at times. Later in the game it starts to feel more like a distraction. Like it should just be its own game.


SOMA is my recent favoured first-person story-driven game - would probably be forever. I can't think of how another game could present the premise and ideas of SOMA better than experiencing it for that first time.

Followed by Alien: Isolation. I play this still once in a while. SOMA can't really be played again. Maybe only after many years. The magic of SOMA is too special that first time.

SamKerry Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

I really need to finish Alien: Isolation.

@ReBrew2115 it's a good game. Difficulty ramps up ridiculously at around the 3rd act. But it becomes manageable again in 4th act. Difficult still, but not ridiculous.

@SamKerry I think I got stuck at one point and just haven't gone back to it in a while. Can't even remember where I left off.


MGS is cool. Lately, I've been playing ARK on PlayStation. It can keep you busy.

MartinG Level 6 Mar 25, 2018

I haven't played Ark but I've heard good things about it.


Right now, sea of thieves is my jam. My favorite franchises are Zelda, Fallout, Resident Evil, Halo, etc.

Breath of The Wild? I'm barely into it right now but hope to find some time for it in the near future. Playing it at all? Like it? Hate it?


I currently just play Xbox one. (TheFullMontie). Monster Hunter world. I played most of the popular MMOs. 9 years in WoW. I dabbled in SWTOR, STO, Age of Conan... I'm looking forward to far cry 5.

Medicdad Level 5 Mar 23, 2018

You'll have to let me know how Far Cry 5 is. The only one I've ever played is Far Cry Blood Dragon which isn't really a traditional Far Cry game (but funny as hell).

@ReBrew2115 ooo.. I can do a FC5 review.

@Medicdad Yes!! Please do! 🙂


I still prefer a pinball machine.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 23, 2018

Pinball will always be my go-to game in an arcade. LOVE IT!


Don't have all that much time for gaming anymore, but when I do I'm still logging into Azeroth to play some WoW. I have accounts for my daughters as well, so we'll help each other out on quests and such, and just generally have a pretty great time. They're trying to get me into some console madness like Monster Hunter and Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, but that time thing...

zenstain Level 5 Mar 23, 2018

I'm a wow addict. Haven't played in months. But I've been thinking about starting up again. I love the graphics! It's like your own animated movie...

I never got into WoW. I used to be vehemently against MMORPG's until about a year or two ago when I started playing Final Fantasy Online. I don't currently subscribe anymore because finances are really tight, but I would love to get back into it again.

I played competitively for 9 years. I just play expansions with my son. He inherited my wow account when he turned 18.

There's really not a whole lot to do these days in Azeroth, which is typical for that time between the effective end of the current x-pac and the upcoming new one. Just getting some achievements done and hoarding gold. It can get fairly boring without that carrot. I've left the game a few times in the past and come back to it - it's kind of like an old friend. Sometimes I just wander around and check out landscapes and architecture and such. Freespirit, you in a guild?

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