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The End of Exclusively Games (?) and the Rebirth of Nomad’s Reviews

Hello everyone. I am writing to bring you news both bad and , and good and new. As per tradition, I’ll start with the bad and . Many of you may know this already, but the website with which I did the bulk of my work over the last twelve or so months - Exclusively Games - went on hiatus and closed its doors in May of this year. The reasons for this are best explained by its founder in his video

At the time of writing, Exclusively Games is offline, thus rendering all the articles published on the site inaccessible. []

This news came as a blow of course, but it was not altogether unexpected, therefore I had contingencies in place. Both the articles that were published on Exclusively Games and those that were in the publishing queue were returned, and I have re-published them all on my newly updated and improved website, Nomad’s Reviews. They are viewable now via this link: [].

If Exclusively Games comes back on-line and the previously published articles become accessible once more I will remove them from Nomad’s Reviews as that would be the right thing to do.

I am now focusing Nomad’s Reviews towards eight specific goals;

*1: The preservation of Video Game History.

2: Advocating for inclusivity and accessibility in video games to ensure gaming can be enjoyed by all.

3: Promoting video games as a legitimate art form and storytelling medium.

4: Promoting excellence in video game design.

5: Promoting pro-customer practices.

6: Highlighting anti-consumer practices in parts of the video games industry.

7: Challenging the bad actors and poor working conditions in some parts of the video game industry.

8: Helping non-gamers to better understand what gaming is about, why gamers enjoy gaming, and to refute some of the negative press directed at video games and the people who play them.

More details can be found of the site’s About page. []

Nomad’s Reviews already has close to 0 articles, and more will be posted regularly.

Remember to become a member of the site and/or follow its Facebook page / Twitter account to stay up-to-date so you never miss a post.

Nomad 6 Aug 21
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Enjoy being online again!

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Posted by SpikeTalonLast week started playing a PC game called Metro 2033 Redux, and getting towards the end of the game now.

Posted by SpikeTalonLast week started playing a PC game called Metro 2033 Redux, and getting towards the end of the game now.

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Posted by NomadHi there! Ever wanted to unleash your inner jerk whilst laughing out loud and getting nostalgic for the '80s?

Posted by OldMetalHeadCan you relate?

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