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There is a "realistic" space travel genre getting pretty main stream now, (I am sure I was just the last to know) especially, after elite dangerous.
The "realism" comes in with the er than normal travel times.
I have looked for the general consensus on how the travel times are (I started a game, headed off on my fist journey, vacuumed two rooms and loaded the dishwasher....and still traveling. Some are suppose to take up to 5 hours)
And it seems like most fans of the game are happy with " is really ...wel...ok. if we are going for realism, we would just need to turn on the console, and walk away and let our great grand children play when we finally get to our destination.
I guess my gest problem, is that there is SOOO much possibilities with these games, but they are only reserved for those folks who have a full day on the hands (i.e...guys living in their mom's house and yelling in all caps at people who dare to suggest a game shouldn't have to take place over the course of a day and a half, to finish a mission and move on) and ...well...that is it. It just feels like a barrier has been set down and it automatically ducludes anyone who doesn't have alot of free time.
Just because I am a dad, working stiff and student, doesn't mean I don't like games when all my chores are finished and the boss let's me play.

Heatheninlove 2 Apr 11
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I actually love Elite but the fairest review I could give it is: Everything is to scale. That's the problem.

I must say I've never been able to walk away from the machine whilst playing it, (it requires just enough input on extremely long journeys to keep you near by) but I did write a significant chunk of my doctoral thesis whilst playing it!


Try giving FTL or Everspace a try. Much more time friendly.

I was hooked on Elite Dangerous for a while, but like u said, it required more time than I could give it.

Proto Level 6 Apr 26, 2018

Which game are you talking about? Or are you looking for a game and commenting on how games like Elite Dangerous are for neck beards living in basements?

There are more casual trade, build, expand types game than Elite Dangerous. Steam should be able to suggest some.

SamKerry Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

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